



Status: Complete


Toke make a cleare paiste of Quinces

Take the Cores & Cornells of Quinces & boyle
them in faire water till the Liquor jelly, & then take
as much Suger as the Liquor waighs & you must let
your Suger boyle as you do [ser] your other paiste but not
altogether so high then must you take your Liquor, &
put into your Sirrup, & stir it well together & put it into
your Glasses & then stone it & in a forthnight it will
be [ser] your turne

To Preserve Ripe Apricoks

T Take your Apricoks & pare them very thin & you must
take as much Suger as Apricoks, & beat your Suger
very small, & set your Apricoks one by one & stroue
some Suger upon & under them untill the Suger be
melted then boyle them untill they be tender & the
Sirup Jelly, but put no water in

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