A Purge for a Sicke Body or a Woman
with Child
Take one Ounce of & a half of, Manna, & a
of a pint of Succory & warme it do
litle together untill it is disolved, then put to it
2 Ounces of Sirup of Roses, & give it
to drink, & let them keepe themselves warme
& drink Brothow posset drinke. you may
give one Ounce of Manna to a Child, & one
Ounce of Sirup or Roses in a of pint
of Succory or Sorrell you must straine
Manna when tis dissov'd
To make an easy Clystew for a
childe ot one that is weak
Take one pint of milk, & lett it boyle then
take a little vinegar, & turn the milk & take
away curd, add to it 2 ounces of sugar &
one fram of salt, & give this as Clyster, you
may do this without danger
Another Clyst
Take a chicken & boyle it in faire wat
then take it
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