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To make a Glyster

Take a pint of Milk, add to it a spoonful of
Anniseeds boyle it together a little while, then
straine it out & put to it 3 spoonfulls of sallot
Oyle & 3 spoonfulls of Suger, then beate the
yolks of to Eggs, & mix it altogether & give
it something warme as a Glister This I have

To make another Glyster

Take a pint of Posset ale, add to it one
handfull of camomel halfe a handfull of Mallows
halfe a handfull of violet leaves, halfe an
Ounce of Anniseeds, halfe an Ounce of
Fennellseeds, boyle all these together then
straine it out & add to it 2 Ounces of Suger
& as much Salt as will lye upon a shilling &
give this to such as are troubled with winde.
this is proved

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