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6 revisions
LoriF at Apr 02, 2022 03:12 PM


An excelent Corgell water

dragon mint bame a litel sprig of lovedg
angelico a handful a litel targon scorgum
fillipendelo nip mead parsley egremony
beteny scabious penyriol pimprnell pimpernell
mother time swet marigrom of each a
good hanfull tomentell roats and grens
a good hanfull a litel hanse 2 or 3 bay
leves melelet flowers piny flowers
cowslip flowers maragool flowers red
roses bugil boredg love and idel cowsl
clove flowers lavender flowers
sedewery galingall cardemoms of
each a dram grains quibs half a
dram saforn a sucruple


An excelent Corgell water

dragon mint bame a litel sprig of lovedg
angelico a handful a litel targon scorgum
fillipendelo nip mead parsley egremony
beteny scabious penyriol pimprnell pimpernell
mother time swet marigrom of each a
good hanfull tomentell roats and grens
a good hanfull a litel hanse 2 or 3 bay
leves melelet flowers piny flowers
cowslip flowers maragool flowers red
roses bugil boredg love and idel cowsl
clove flowers lavender flowers
sedewery galingall cardemoms of
each a dram grains quibs half a
dram saforn a sucruple