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To preserve Oranges whole 239
Take your Oranges and clip them or rasp them very thin, and as you
doe them throw them into Spring water let them stand all
night, the next morning set them over the fire to boyle
till they are very tender and begin to shrink in the Sides, than
take them up and put them againe into cold water then it
you will doe them whole cut around hole in the bottom to
take out the meat which you must doe as cleane as you
can then weigh the Oranges & take twice their weight in double refined Sugar and to every pound
take a pynt of Spring water and boyle it and Scum it
very cleare then let it stand till it be as coof as milk
from the Cow, then put in your Oranges & let them Stand
all night covered, next morning sett them on the fire againe
and lett them be s hott s you can hold in your finger,
thus doe morning and nights till they are clear Enough,
keep a Quarter of the Sugar out which beat small and
Every time you warme them shak in a spoonfull it
you will Eat them out of the Syropp put in the Suice
that came out of them with a little suagr set it over the
fire till you think it thick Enough to keep them St you
designe to haue them in Jelly you must not put the juice
of the orianges into the Syropp but make jelly of pippings
or John Apples and put them in a day or two before you use them
to Pickle Hames the Westphasia way
Take a Pack of Spanish salt Halfe a Pound of Salt Peter
Tiue pound of Brown Suagr Put to as much water as will
coccer Six Hames which must be quite covered in the Pickle
for three weeks the Pickle should be stirred once a week
then hang them high in Chimney for fornights or three weeks
and if you loue the westphalia Hames Haut yourt hang them so as
they may receive all the Smoke you can give them; Into the
came Pickle you may put neats Tongues

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