To make Orange Marmalade
Take two doz : of good Civill Oranges cutt of out rinde
very thin but not any of the white then cut them in halves
and squeese out all the Juice keep it in a glass or pott covered,
then put the halves of the Oranges into faire water and so lett
them remain for one night in the morning tye them up in avery
clean bag of cloath and boyle them in faire water till till they
be tender it must be a good big skelet of water because the water
will boyle away before they be tender when they are tender
take them by degrees out of e bag hott and press the water
out of them between two two Trenchers as dry as you can then
cutt out all the meat and strings that is in them and
with the point of a Knife mash them very small upon a
Trencher, then weigh them and to every pound put a pint
of the Juice which came out of them biing strained
and two pound of double refin'd suger put all this
together into a preserving pan and sett it over a Char
cole ffire and lett it melt very easily and when it is
meltd make it boyle very fast for half a quarter of
a hour then try a little in spoon of it Jellies tis
enought putt itt into your glasses or potts all the while
it is on fire stir it least it burne too
To picle Porke
Take A good Bacon hogg take out hte Bones Cleare
And cut it in to as many peices as you thinke fitt then
take one pound of and half of Salt peter Beaten & ordinary
Salt what you thinke ffitt 2 pound of Suger and mix
theise together and salt your porke with it put it in
to an Earthen pott that will hold the brind Lest it be
pact close
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