A Powder for Convulsions
Take of Piony Seeds hutted one dram & half, Misletoe of the
Oak one dram; Pearl, red Corral & white Amber of each prepared one
dram, East Bezoar two grains, & five leaves of Gold, make all these into
a fine powder & keep it for use.
Give of this Powder, before e full of e Moon, or when the
person hath a fit, to A New=born Child as much as will lie upon a Groat;
To another, as much as will lie upon a six pence: To a grown person,
as much as will lie upon a shilling; in a little Piony, or black Cherry water;
Give it, three nights together and then cease.
To make [Burbon Biskett]
To every pound of sugar a pound of flower seven Eggs
all but three whites beat them very well with Orange
flower watter let e sugar be finely searsed mix it
all together & beat it half an hour with e Pele of one
Lemon minced very small then have papers cut Oval
& spread m very thin & bake them uery quick & take
them off of e papers while they are hot & put them on
sticks to make them hollow & dry them in e oven again
a quarter of an hour
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