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To Make Good cheescakes 257
If you make your cheescakes in the morning make your pap ouernight that it
may be thoroughly cold take a pint of creame and the crum of
a white lofe boyle this very thick that when it is cold it may
cut: sett together 3 gall: of strokings of that morninge as soon
as milked from the cow: & when it is come whey it as easy as
you can so that their be no whey left in the curd then take the pap
and mingle with the curd as small as you can beat 4 Eggs with
the whites and put into the curd with 4 spoonfull of Rosewater
2 nutmegs a little salt 4 ounces of suger and as many currents
as you please being clean pickt and well dried mingle all these
together & Rub in half a pound of new butter then bake them in
a gentle oven that hath a good bottom but not two hott one the
top lest the should culler two fast before the be baked thoroughly if
you please you may put Almonds finely beaten mingled with the
curd in the stone morter you beat the Almonds in mix them to=
gether with a little sweet fresh butter: you must mix them before you
put in the currance Take half a peck of flower and a pound of
butter & a pound of suger finely beaten mix it with the flower
then Rub in the butter so small as grated bread then take
creame & make it into a peaste let the creame be scalded
and all most cold again when you use it let your crust be dried
in an oven & searced as you use it
To Make Rare Fritters
Take 6 Eggs takeing out two of the whites a pint of Creame
half a pint of good yeast some nutmeg and saffforn two wine
glasses of sack four spoonfull of Rose water and 6 Apples thin
sliced some mace and cloves and a little salt make it pritty thick
with good flower and lett it stand by the fire to Rise then drop
it into clearefied sewett boyleing hot when you take them up
throw suger upon them and serue them up hott
How to Dry Neats Tongues
Make the picke to Look Read with Pumpwater bay Salt & Saltpetr
Let it be strong enough to Bear an Egg when it is Cold Slitt the
Roots of the Tongus and Rub them with Salt then put them into the
Pickle & Lay a Board upon them to Covir them Let them Lye 3
Weeks shifting the Pickle as off as needs then up to dry Boyle
them with Hay in Pumpwater

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