To Preserve Cucumbers {273}
Take them small about a fingers length & wipe them & boyle
in Water but not too tender then take them up and make a hole
Thorough From the Length way then pare them and after Gredu
them and make a thin syrrup & let them boyle a little then Let them
Stand in an Earthen Galley pott 3 or 4 days then make another
Syrrup & squeeze in y Juce of a Lemmon & let your Cucombers
boyle till they be very cleane take them up and Selt them up for
a day ten take to every pint of Liquor halfe a lb sugar & boyle them
in it till they be ready then take them up and cutt a little slitt in
in ever one of them & put in Little Muske or Ambr gpapr
being finely ground with sugar then boyle the syrup untill it will amost
For Greening of Fruit Let your water be Almost Ready
to Boyle then take it of the fire and put in a paire of them
Then put in your fruit over the fire to keep Scalding hott
For halfe a q of an hour till the Cullor please
To Make Read Marmalade
In Jelley
Take the Quinchs and quarter them and Core & paire
Them & as you paire them put them in Fair Water Then Weigh them
and to every p. of Quinch put a p. of Sugar & a pint & halfe of
Water then take Quinch water & Sugars and put them into a
Skellitt and Let them boyle a little to peirce them that they may
be tender and Look Clere Let them not boyle so as so Breake
Then Let them have very little fire only to keep them slowing
Let them be close coveres till they Look of a Brik Collour Flour
uncover them and take up the quarters
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