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To make a Calvfs head pye
take a cavlfs heade and half boyle it and then cut it in thin slices
and season it with peper salt nuttmeg and mace and then put it in the
pye with a quart of oysters 2 pound of sasinges a pound bute & so bake i[...]

To make white pufpast
take a quarter of a peak of the finest flower and rub into it half a
pound of buter 6 whites of eggs beat it to snow a litell beaten ginger a
flower it betwen dubell it in 4 and it is fitt

To make pufpast
take a quarter of a peake of fine flower and rub into it half a poun[...]
[...]f buter pour Eggs into 4 eggs a glass of sack mix it with cold water
[...]ole in 3 pound of buter at 7 times flower it betwen dubell it 4

To make a Spinage tart
[...]ake your spinage and boyle it fill your tarts then put some shuga
[...]nd curants when your tart is baked put in some cream with 4 egs
[...]ell beaten with a litell shugar

To Make a Oyster pye
[...]ake a quart of oysters boyle them in whitewine and then put them
[...]nto you pye season it with mace nuttmeg peper and salt put in
pint of shrimps a lemon sliced 2 anchovyes and half a pound of buter and so bake it

To make Spring Garden Beef
[...]ake a peece of lean beef cut it in thin slices lard it with bacon the[...]
[...]ason it with peper salt mace and nuttmeg then put it into a pot [...]
[p]ound of frech buter a few bay leaves a litell sweet margum and thime [and]
clear out all the gravy & fill it up with Claryfyed buter

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