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A gargell to rayes flegme 22

Make A Posset of millke preivinge most berger streine it
streane it through ACloth sweetne it with sugar gargle
with it when you please; & if you lett any goe downe in to
your stomick it doth much good for it scowreth the stomack

To provoke sleepe Aproved

Take oyle of roses & rose water & womans milke temper them
all together & anoynt the temples of the head

for sore breasts

Take of Rozin beaten to fine powder 6 ounces of: vergins wax
4 ounces of turpentine one ounce o English hony 2 spoonfull
of sheeps suet 2 ounces; melt all these to gether & make A sear
cloth & apply it

An approved ointment for any greene wound what ever

Take 6 ounces of gumme Cemny, 6 ounes of venice Turpentine 4
ounces of Rames suet clarifide 4 ounces of hoggs grease clarifid
make your gumm verie small then mellt all to gether upon a smal
fire; when they bee throughly melted; streine them through
a fine cloth in to a pot; you may apply it either with tent
or plaister

An Exelent salve for ould or new sores

Take A quart of sallat oyle 5 ounces of red lead 2 ounces cel
cuse; whit lead 5 ounces; wax halfe a pound Rozen halfe a
pound duckes grease one ounce; dogs grease one ounce goose
grease one ounce; boyle all these toll they bee blacke &
com to bee stiff; then put into 2 ounces o Laydantiam
A dram of gumfry grond verie small together in the coolinge
make it up in balles with ducks grease for that is the best

against any ache

Take an ounce of coriander seed one ounce of fenigreeke, beat
them small boyle them in a squart of muscadine till
it comes to A pint streane it & aply it t the
greaved warme

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