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Physick and Surgery
For a Flux

Take a quarte of Running water, a quarterne of hard sugar,
and one handfull of read roses leaves dried, a quaterne of lemons-
peels, as much Cinamon broken in small peeces, Boile them all-
together till half be wasted, If it be for a young bodty lett it be-
covred, if for ol uncovred.
Give to the party 4 or 5 spoonfull 3 or 4 times in a day or as-
often as you will. It may be given to a Woman that layes in.
Green Oyntment of the Lord Denny
Take 6 pounds of May butter unsalted, salett oyle a quarte, hogs-
grease 4 pounds, the best rasin & turpentine of each a pound, of franki-
sence 8 ounces, to this quantity, add these hearbs following, smalage
Balme borage, read Sage, Lavender, Cotten, heartgrasse, parsly, confry
called bonisett, Sorrell, Bay leaves, virch leaves long-woote Margoran
and Rosmary of each one handfull, pick all these hearbs, cleane &
wash them, then swing them in a cloth till the water be cleane out,
gather these hearbs after the Sun is risen, then Stamp them in a
stone mortar or wooden, as small as you can. Then take the rosen
& beate it to pouder with your frankicense & melt them first alone
then putt in the butter hogs grease & oyle, and when it is melted-
putt in your hearbs, & lett all boile together a litle while, then take
it from the fire, & lett all boile together a title while, then take
it from the fire & leave not stirring it for a quarter of an houre
when it is of the fire putt in your turpentine & verde greece stirring
it well till it leave boiling, Then putt it into an earthen pott-
stopping it very close and sett i in a Dunghill of horse dung 21 days
then take it up and putt it into a ketle and lett it boile a litle, taking
heed it runs not over, then straine it throrow a course cloth into-
some earthen or gally pott, and when all is strained add to it half
a pound of oyle of spike & keept it close
It is good for all kind of soares, aches in any part of the body,
straynes, Bruises shrinking of sinews.
A Medecine for an Ague.
Take a handfull of rue & two spoonfull of Corrints & a litle-
bay salt, beate them together in a mortar, then putt a little pepper
& safan to it & temper it together & so bind it to both the wrists
for 10 days.

Physick & Surgery.
For a pleuritisall Feaver of Dr. Dukesons
Take Rad. Serpent. Virginian. pulu. Item Contrayerver puld.,
pulu. comitis canb. Vet Goor. Item Balsam verdis{} [symbol] ss. Item-
Syrup: Garyops: q. s. M. f. pilular quarum 4 pendent. [symbol ]
eapiat quartuor vel quinque pro vice ante horam somni.
If he doth not give these Qills. He gives a Scruple of Bezoar
Poudred severall nights together. The Blistering in Severall parts as
the nape of the neck, te Inner part of the Armes or thighs is good.
If the pestilential Feaver is of any high degrees the pills should
be tade both morning & evening. In Severall people great Dozes-
(vz 20 grains or more) of Bzoar stone are more effctual & more agreable
then great dozes of the Countesse of Kents pouder, or 9 oz stone poudred.
The frequent use of the Spirit of Hartshorne is very advisable, 20 drops--
at a time, but then it must be given a sufficient quantity of a Cordial Julep
of milk water, & that is may not be hott in the palate.
For a great Stuffing att the Stomach. Dr. Gibbons.
Compound pouder of Crabbs eyes half a dragme, flouer of Sulpher a-
Scuple, take it att bed time. Milk ater twelve ounces, the great
of strong worme water three ounces, Tincture of safran half an ounce,
with as much fine sugar as will make it pallatable; this is to be taken-
after the pouder. The Decoctium of Senna foure ounces, syrup of
buckthoupe becaeys one ounce, Aqua Mirabilis half an ounce, this is a purge
to be taken in the morning keeping the hours. this was prescirbed for
my Lord Danby in his sickness.
Against the Itche
Take six pennyworth of flower of Brimstone, and as much beaten ginger-
& mix it up with salad oyle and oyle of Spike, of each one equal quantity into
an oyntment, & for 5 or 6 days oynt the plams of your hands & the veins of
your wrists every morning fasting, 7 smell to it & chase is well in; and doe
the same att night when you go to bed. And if it be very bad you mad doe
your armes likewise & this will certainly cure it, But first you must take
as much flower of Brimstone as will laye vpon a shelving in a draught of
new milk for 3 mornings together to drive it out.
For a Fistual Sir Kenelm Digbyes.
Take 4 hundreds of wood worms, sage & rue of each a handfull, Cutt
the hearbs a litte & bruise the worms and putt them into a Canvas bag with
a stene and hang it in 3 gallons of midling Ale when it has done working
and after 3 days drink it and use no other drink in six weekes or till you are

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