


Status: Complete


To take away red rubies that grows in the
face by reason of the heat of the Liver


Take hoggs Sewit well purifyed & brimstone as much
of the one as of the other with the water distilled of a
peach tree & fferne & incorporate all together with a
slow fire make thereof an oyntment in the meane time
abstaine from wine & all hott things.

for him that hath naturaly A red face.
Take 4 ounces of kernells of Peaches 2 ounces Gourd
Seed and make thereof an Oyle wherewith you may
annoynt his face Morning & Evening, and this will
destroy the redness.

A thing found true by Experience.

To dissolve knotts in the Neck.

Take clarify'd Wax iij ounces, Clear Turpentine one
ounce, Rosin 2 ounces, Pitch one ounce, Mirtharmoniake
Mastick, Olibanan, 2 penny worth of each, Galbanum
Fennegreeke, and Cummin, in powder of each one peny
worth dissolve the Gums in Wine Vinegar all night
then put them to your other things and melt them


with a gentle fire stirring them often, then strain them
and in the Cooling put in the Turpentine, and work it
into rowls, & when you vse it Spread it on Sheep's
Leather, Apply it to the place and every Morning
wipe it and lay it on again.

A Medicine for the Plague

Take a handfull of Sage a handfull of herb of grace
a handfull of Elder Leaves, a handfull of red bramble's leavs
and Stamp them together, Strayne them in a Clooath with a
Quart of White Wine, take a quantity of Ginger and Mingle
them together, drink thereof Ev'ning and Morning a full
Spoonfull, every day ix dayes together, after the first Spoon=
full they Shall be Safe for xxiiij dayes and after the ixth
they Shall be Safe for the whole year. by the Grace of

And if it fortune, one to be Stricken with the Plague, or he
have drunken of the medicine afforesaid, then take water
of Scabyon a Spoonfull, and so much water of Brittayne a
quantity of fine Treacle, put all together and it will put
out the venome; And if it fortune the Boyle to appear
then take Bramble's leaves & Elder leaves, & Mustard Seeds Stamp
them all together, then take of it and make thereof a plaister
& lay it to the Sore, it will draw out the venome, and the
Patient shall be whole by the Grace of God.

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