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For a Consumption

Take a red Calfes Gather fresh and new kil'd: have
of Scabious, Jerusalem Sage, and Mayden hair of each
a good handfull, two ounces of Anis seeds, and eight
ounces of Dates; the Gather must be onely wiped out of the
blood, then take three quarts of red Cow's milk and put
all these things in and distill till they be dryed up, drink
a wine glass full of the water first in the morning and
last at Night till it be all Spent, add to every glassfull a Spoon
full of red Rose water, and sweeten it with Suggar candy

For a Cough

Take a quarter of a pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned,
a quarter of a pound of white Sugger Candy powdred,
a Quarter of a pound of Conserve of Roses, all well-mixed
togeather, then make a hole in the middle and drop in 12
drops of the Spirit of Sulphur, and mix it well togeather
take the Quantity of a Large Nutt at a time.


To Make Cream Cheese

Take a Gallon of Milk, a Quart of Cream, three pints of
Boyling water, a Spoonefull of Runit, mix'd well together, when
'tis come whay it between two, breaking the Curd as little
as possible, put halfe a pound waight at the first, never
exceed two pownd waight, change it into a clean cloath
every quarter of an howre, at night take it out, and salt
one side, the next day turn it and salt the other, the next day
put into fresh grass, turn it, and wipe it, and put it
into fresh grass every day till it be ripe.

A Receipt to make Poppy water

Take 2 Bushells of black eyed Poppeys, Sift the Seeds
and drye them, so done, opon them & sift them againe,
then take 3 Gallons of Brandy, put the poppeys & Brandy
into a large glasse, & put into it these following Seeds,
viz: Carroway seeds, Sweet ffennell seeds, Gromball seeds, Colr
Corriander seeds, of each, 3 ounces, a quarter of a pound
of Lickorish, Scrape & Slice it 1: 1/2 lb of browne Suggar Candy
of Cynamon 3 ounces, one 1:1/2 lb of Raisins Ston'd, & as many
blew Figgs cutt in peices, and as many Dates Ston'd, then
take 3 or 4 handfulls of Clove-Jelly flowers, clip'd & dry'd,
all these must be put into the Brandy & stopp'd up close, &
infused in the Sun 6 weeks or 2 moneths, afterwards
Strayne it & bottle it up for your use.

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