Royal College of Physicians: The Lady Sedley, her Receipt book, 1686 (MS534)






instead of Angellia water, put in a quart of French Aqua vitæ and a quart of the juice of Angellica and one oz: apeice of the Spices.

To make a Cake xc.

Take a Gallon of flower, 6 pounds of Currans 3 pounds of Butter halfe a pound of white Shugger, a pint of Ale yest or barm, 20 Eggs verry well beaten tenn of the whites left out halfe an oz. of Cloves, as much Mace, two Nutmeggs, half a pint of Sack, a little DamaskRose water, a pint of Cream warm enough to melt the butter, You may add what Sweet meats you please. Bake it in a quick oven

A most Excellent water for the Stone xci.

Take Six handfulls of Small Raddishes 6 handfulls of Mother thyme, 4 handfulls of Pelletorie of the wall; 4 handfulls of Saxifrig hearb, one handfull of Phillipendula 3 oz. of Sarsafrie wood; Cut all these grossly together and put them into a Gallon of new milk either of a Redd or a Coal black Cow, & So let them Steep 24 houres cover'd, the distill them in a Common Still; It will yeild 3 quarts of water, It must be Still'd in Maij. when the water is Still'd Stopp it close, and Set it in the Sunn for a Moneth.


You must take it thus

When you are to take this water you must over night take a porringer of fair ^spring water & put into it a quarter of an oz. of the wood called Lignum nefretitum Sliced very Small and Thin and Lett it Steep in the water 24 12 houres, then draine from the wood: & put to the water 3 Spoonfulls of white or Rhenish wine; And 4 Spoonfulls of this distill'd water, with the Iuice of a Lemon & Some 2 Spoonfulls of Loaf Shuggar. Then take half a Nutmegg Slic'd very thin, put it into a Spoon with a little of the water, Swallow it and wash it down with the rest of the water; Take it fasting and fast 2 houres after it; This is to be taken at the new of the Moon three mornings together, but if you feel no great pain, then one morning in a Moneth will be enough; but you must use it Constantly I do assure you those that have used this water never had any great fitt after the taking of it.

The Duke of Monmouth's Receipt for the Stone xcij

Take a Gallon of Haws ripe, Stamp them very well Stones all, put them into a pott with 3 quarts of white wine to cover them, put into them four Fennill roots, and the leafs, take out the pith of all the roots, and put into them an ounce of Fennell Seeds and almost an oz. of Annis seeds, bruise the Seeds and Steep them together a day and

Last edit over 2 years ago by Heather Wolfe



A Night, and if three Quarts of white wine will not Cover them put in more, and soe put it in your Still past it vp and you may draw out two quarts Mingle it together, take Six Spoonfulls of this water and Six of White wine and one Spoonfull of Syrrup of Elder and drink it three days before the new Moone and three days after, and Soe at the Full, or when it trobles you.

Sir Thomas Weatherlys Dyett drink for the Gout. xciij

Take five oz. of the best Sarsaparilla Slic'd thinn, of flinty China well bruis'd 3 oz. the Shavings of Sassafras an oz. of Hartshorn, and Ivory of each Six dramms infuse these twelve hours warm in Ten pints of water, then boyle them close cover'd, with a very gentle fire vntill four pints be boyl'd away, puting to them toward the end Sage, Germander, and Ground Pine, of each a large handfull, whole Raysins foure oz. Red Sanders & Coriander Seeds of each Six drams, take it from the fire and Straine it and let the Liquor Stand to Settle, powr the clear from the bottome and to every pint add an oz. of the Syrrup of Balsome of Tola.

Sir Thomas Weatherly's Ale for the Gout. xciv.

Take Six or Seaven Gallons of Wort made of a Bushell of Malt put to them an handfull of Hopps, boyle these halfe an houre then infuse in them the the Shavings of Sassafras and Guaiacum of each two ozs. Liquorice Slic'd thinn an oz. Raysins Ston'd two ozs. Grond Ivy


Ground Pine, Sage, and Germander of each two large handfulls boyle these with a very gentle fire close cover'd vp, vntill a Gallon wast, when it is cold Strain it, and work it vp with yest, and keep it in a ^fitt vessell, having in the vessell in a bag a pound of Antimony in powder after 4 or 5 days you may draw it into Bottles and drink it for your common drink.

Mrs. Davis's Cordiall water xcv.

Take two Bottles of Sack & two bottles of Brandy , 4 pounds of red Cheryes the Stones crackt, a handfull of Rosemary flowers, halfe a handfull of Marygold flowers, a handfull of Archangell flowers, a handfull of the tender tops of Balm, a handfull of the tender tops of Spear Mint, Six penny weight of Saffron, Clovegilliflowers 500 clipt, one oz. of Cinamint one of the Nutmegs, Cloves & Mace of each halfe an oz. put all these together all night and then Still them off, let it drop vpon white Shugger or Shugger Candy.

A Most Excellent Pill for the Stone or ^an vlcer in the kidneys or Bladder, or bloudy water. Approved by Able Physicians. xcvi.

Gum Gua ℥ss that which is greenest & transparent is ^best Amoniacum ℥ij the whitest & clearest Aloes Succotrini ℥vi the reddest & most transparent Tartor vitorall ℥iij the whitest & Tartest. Prepared Pearle ℈ij Amber Greece gr: 12 Balsom of Peru ʒss


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Directions to make the aforsaid Pills

First, Beat the Ambergreece, then beat the Pearle into fine powder, mix them on a clean sheet of paper, beat the Tartar Vitorall into fine powder, as alsoe the Aloes & Gum-guaicum very carefully, & then mix the Said Tartar Vitorall, the Aloes and Gumguaicum vpon an other clean Sheet of paper; then with a clean Mortar and pestill beat the Amoniacum till it begin to Stick to the pestill, then with a course cloath make your pestill clean, and heat the said pestill a little hotter than you can well endure your hand on it, then put a Quantity of 12 drops of white wine vinegar to the Amoniacum, then take your pestill it being not over hott, make it clean with a cloath, then dissolve your Amoniacum and vinegar very well, when you have soe done put in some of the powders, Mix it well together and when it begins to be Stiff put in some Balsome then more powder, beat & mix them well, then put in more Balsome, then more powder, doing as abovesaid stirring be sure well from the bottome with a Spatula or knife, and after all the powder is in beat it for a quarter of an houre, then take it out & temper it between your hands mixing the Pearle and Ambergreece in it; then keep it for your vse in a Gally pott, & when you have occasion to vse them, make them vp in the bigness of ordinary Pills, take five or Seaven every night when you goe to bedd Soe continue till you be well, and at any time when you find your Selfe ill take them againe.


Sir Thomas Weatherly's drink for the Scurvey. xcvij

Take 4 pints of Rhenish wine, infuse in that, Bryony roots Slic'd thinn two oz. Elicampane roots one oz., Orris root halfe an oz., the outward pills of an Orange, and a Lemon, and two Nutmeggs Slic'd, after 12 houres infusion Strayne them, and put the Strained liquor, the Iuices of Garden Scurvigrass, Brooklime, Water Cresses, and Oranges, of each 4 oz. and as much Shugger as will make it gratefull,

Take of this a quarter of a pint first every morning and at 5 or 6 in the Afternoone.

To make Gumms grow xcviij

Take a Quarter of an oz. of Myrrhe as much Bolalmanak and halfe as much Salt of Prunella, make all these into a powder & sift it very fine, then make it into a past (not very stiff) with hony, soe spread it vpon fine raggs the breadth of your finger, soe lay it to your Gumms every morning & after Supper, and let it lye an houre or two, when you take it of wash your mouth wine, or if you can with your owne water.

A Receipt to Strenghtthen the Sight. xcix

Take Lignum, Aloes, Storax, Sassafras barke, Amber, of each a dramm cut Betany halfe an oz., Rosmary flowers or Rosmary itselfe a quarter of an oz., & as much Tobacco mixt with as you put of Rosmary. It is to be taken in a Pipe like Tobacco.

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Water for the Teeth c.

Take Rosewater halfe a pint, Cynamon, Cloves, burnt Allome, of each two dramms, put all into a violl of a quart, fill the violl full of comon water, and boyle it together vpon the hott ashes till the third part be consumed, then keep it for your vse.

Barley Cream. ci.

Take a handfull of French Barley, boyle it in 3 or 4 waters, till it be pretty tender, then sett a quart of Cream vpon the fire with some Mace & Nutmegg and when it begins to boyle put in your Barley and boyle it till it begins to thicken, and Season it with Shugger and Salt to your tast & soe serve it vp when it is almost Cold you may add to your Creame a quarter of a pound of Almonds blanched & finely beaten.

To make Angelletts cij.

Take three quarts of new milk and one quart of Cream or soe much Strokings and noe Cream, put a little Runnett to it, when it is come enough take the Curds up Softly with a Ladle, and fill the Fatt therewith, and as it Sinks Still fill it vp againe but break the Curd as


Little as you can, when it is full enough let it Stand till next morning, then vnty the Fatt and Salt it on both sides, then tye the Tatt vp againe; soe let it stand 3 or 4 dayes turning it every day, and wash the Fatt and lay it vp againe. then take it out & set it on a Trencher turning it evevery day till dry

To make Cream Cheese ciij.

Take 4 quarts of new milk and two Quarts of Cream put the Cream into a Skillet and boyle it vp, & take it of the fire, then let it stand a little, & put it into your milk & put in the Runnett, let it Stand till it be Come, then with a skiming dish take vp the Curds whole without breaking, soe put it into the cloath and turn it often the first day in a wett Cloath strewing a little salt on it, the next day turn it into dry cloaths and within two dayes you may put it into Rushes or Grass, nettles or Ash Leafes.

For the Sight civ.

Take of Rue & Sage of each a good hand^full and about 400 Hogg Lice puting them when bruised into a bagg with your hearbs into a vessell of Ale of about four Gallons. after it hath done working not before then, drink this after it hath been Stop'd up 24 houres close, vse it as your ordinary drink.

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For a Consumption cv

Take a red Calfes Gather fresh and new kil'd: have of Scabious, Jerusalem Sage, and Mayden hair of each a good handfull, two ounces of Anis seeds, and eight ounces of Dates; the Gather must be onely wiped out of the blood, then take three quarts of red Cow's milk and put all these things in and distill till they be dryed up, drink a wine glass full of the water first in the morning and last at Night till it be all Spent, add to every glassfull a Spoon full of red Rose water, and sweeten it with Suggar candy

For a Cough cvj

Take a quarter of a pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned, a quarter of a pound of white Sugger Candy powdred, a Quarter of a pound of Conserve of Roses, all well-mixed togeather, then make a hole in the middle and drop in 12 drops of the Spirit of Sulphur, and mix it well togeather take the Quantity of a Large Nutt at a time.


To Make Cream Cheese cvij.

Take a Gallon of Milk, a Quart of Cream, three pints of Boyling water, a Spoonefull of Runit, mix'd well together, when 'tis come whay it between two, breaking the Curd as little as possible, put halfe a pound waight at the first, never exceed two pownd waight, change it into a clean cloath every quarter of an howre, at night take it out, and salt one side, the next day turn it and salt the other, the next day put into fresh grass, turn it, and wipe it, and put it into fresh grass every day till it be ripe.

A Receipt to make Poppy water cviij

Take 2 Bushells of black eyed Poppeys, Sift the Seeds and drye them, so done, opon them & sift them againe, then take 3 Gallons of Brandy, put the poppeys & Brandy into a large glasse, & put into it these following Seeds, viz: Carroway seeds, Sweet ffennell seeds, Gromball seeds, Colr Corriander seeds, of each, 3 ounces, a quarter of a pound of Lickorish, Scrape & Slice it 1: 1/2 lb of browne Suggar Candy of Cynamon 3 ounces, one 1:1/2 lb of Raisins Ston'd, & as many blew Figgs cutt in peices, and as many Dates Ston'd, then take 3 or 4 handfulls of Clove-Jelly flowers, clip'd & dry'd, all these must be put into the Brandy & stopp'd up close, & infused in the Sun 6 weeks or 2 moneths, afterwards Strayne it & bottle it up for your use.

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