Recipe book collection: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

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Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: Medical recipe book (MSS 03340)

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A wholsom Salue to haue in [annaus] house

Tak an ounce of whit uergens wax an ounce of vosen an ouce of Croune sope an ounce of burows Bores greas boyle all these tell thay will stand apon your [na] then put in an ounce of uenies turpintine it will draw and heale any greene sore

to cuere the blody flix

Tak half a pound of butter out of the churn unwashed & unsalted and half a pound of hard lofe suger and beat it to a powder then ming mingle the powder and the butt[...] and mak it up in small pills [and let] the [...] swallow them

Last edit 9 months ago by Veena
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A reseate to break & heale a sore brest 1 Tak a quart of chopped sage and one gallon of running watter this boyle together 6 [o ]houres till your sage is resonable tender and till all your water is boiled away saueing a pint then tak a [ponnengen] full of the smallest sifted [ctemele] and let it boyle untill it bee a poltis this applyed will be weak the breast if to bee broken and heale if afte it is broken without [tenting] you might allso take a litil of your courset hony and spread it upon your [poltise] (on breaste) [who] you- are reday to lay it on the breaste let it not be too hot laid on this is an aproved medisine 2 To mak a plise polise for a sore brest how it be [relieved] or cansered Tak one ounce of Linsede one ounce of [o] a handfull of red [uose] leaves beat this uery small then boyle [the] in a milkk to a coullis & when it is boyled but in sum [sasseur] enough to losen it & when it is redy to lay on but in sum Linseed out & lay it on an aproved

Last edit about 1 year ago by salimahope
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for mouth watore

Take 2 quart of Spring water 1 handful of salluncine leaues 2 handful of woodbine leaues 2 handful of bramble leaues 1 handful of planton leaues 1 handful of culliring leaues 1 handful of sag leaues

boyl all thos to gether tell thay com to A quart then put in A grat lomp of allam brus it weting it with honny wash and gargell the mouth with it

{6 }for an ague or other hott or cold

Take one handfull of rosemary flower be not to be had then of topes Rurigs fenill marygould leaues Buglas Endife violats succory Billony of each a handfull steep all these in a gallandof Buttermilk 6 hours then still them all and take of the watter 8 or nine spounfulls at a time with suger in the hot fitt

Last edit about 1 year ago by Veena
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but 2 pound of butter then putt it to 2 quarts of Creame {13}a medicine for the paine in the head Take milke of a red cow and boyle it very well with sage [penirenz] all [heasbigiasse] then take two earthen potts and sett them to your eares untill thay make you fall into a sweate and that the Steame may goe upp into into your head keaping your head very close

Last edit about 1 year ago by Robert Twiss
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14 to make hart horne gelly Take 3 pints of runinge water and half a pint of whit wine and 2 ounces of hartshorn scraped of pouder lett then boyel sofly in a pipkin cleose coured tell it com to a pinte while it is hott strane it and put in to it a slised ginger a sinament tille the next daye take of the tope of and leaue put the [bootom] into a sckillet pand put som fine suger, a tope of sweat margeroiner holf a spunfol of rosewater a littel gjoyce of oringe and lemone and let it simer a while one the fire then put it through a gely bage

Last edit 8 months ago by Richard53
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{ 15 } to make quiding of rasp [...]

Put your raspers into a [ a yer ] [...] [ guge ] and set it in a pot of Boyling water one the fire let it stand tell it be well boyeled, then straine it and take to a pint of it a pound of fine suger fist boil yor [...] sugar to a [ kande ] hitte there but in your licker and let it be sollding [ hort ] but not boyel then put it in to your glases ___

Last edit about 1 year ago by mathuri.s
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{19 }A watter to comfert the hart and procure sleep

Tak 4 pound of chereys stone them two quarts of clarit wine half a handfull of Rosemary 2 handfull of balme one handfull of marigold flowers one handfull of Borag Flowers 2 ounces of cinamon two nutmegs bruse the Iyices & infuse alltogether 12 howers in an earthen pott close couered then distill them all in an ordinary st still with a hott fire then tak fine suger and beat it & put into it a quantity of musk as you please & as much red Rosewatter as will wett it so boyl it tell it be suger againe so keep it to sweeten the watter when you tak it this is a cordiall of it left but if you would haue it more cordiall put to euery three spoonfull of this watter one spoonfull of [tiney] of clouegilly flowers & drink it when you goe to bed

Last edit about 1 year ago by Veena
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{20 } the Lady Brooks her cordiall Balme watte very comfertable for the Stomack

Tak 3 quarts of sack & put therto two godd handfulls of Rosemary & [sumthing me] {merigolg flowers} of balme a good handfull of spireminte not washing the earbs a handfull of Borag flowers & a quarter of a handfull of safe the tak three ounces of cinoman two ounces of nutmrgs a quarter of an ounce of cloues put 6 pound of black chereys stones & all bruised then bruse the spices & the earbs then steep all in the wine one night & day in an earthen Iug close couered then still it in an ordinar still save the first & strongest by itself and the second and weakest by it self and put so much suger into the glass as will make it pleasant to the last

ffor the Iandes my wife usd for Bettie [...] Take with wine or sherry & fourty or fifty [...] (or woodfire) bruise them in it & strain it, & put, dram of saffron in a rage, & steepe it in it, & giue them that quantity euery morning to drinke that in 3 mornings

Last edit about 1 year ago by Veena
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{21} A medicne for the chest wormes or others

Tak half a dozen or eight clear goose quills for pens cut of the feather then burn the quills ouer a puter dish and take the ashes mixt with a peny worth of museadine and giue the child after the first sleep

{22} A plaster for the worms

Tak an unset leek 2 cloues of garlick a little herbe of grain or any two of them if you can gett no more and when thay are well beaten together tak the Iuyce of them and mixt with a peny worth of aloes beaten uery fine and spread it upon a peece of sheeps leather the breadth of a shilling lay this

Last edit about 1 year ago by Veena
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plaster to the stomack pitt [...] and other to the navell how to [ pa esarve ] [...] { 23 } apricacks apricock

First weigh your aporickocks and to a pound of aprickek you must take a pound of hard suger then pare your apricoks and stone the[...] beat your sugear to powder and put part of it in the botom of your dish and let your aporicks in it then strone som of your suger over it let them stand a while then boyl them softly and let them be covered [ hit [...] ] sorop and being boyles la the one by one in a nother dish and put the rest of your sa [...] in to the sorop and boyl it a littell more then pour it to them [ [symbol] ] glas [...]

Last edit about 1 year ago by mathuri.s
Displaying pages 1 - 10 of 81 in total