Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)





How To dry Apricoks:

Take Apricoks before they be to ripe the cleare =st without spots and pare them very yin yn give ym a slit on the side and scald then in watE yn take halfe the waight of ym in sugar and make a syrrop for ym & lett ym stand upon ye warme embers a while heat ym every 3 days togethE then drayn ym from that syrrup and make anothE sirrup for ym boyled to a Candy haight then put ym in and let ym be covered all over wth sirrup three days then heat ye sirrup and lay ym out into a stoe to dry a pound requirs apound & half of sugar;

How to make a Seed=cake:

Take half a peck of fine flowE dryed well four pound of buttE rubb ym togethE one ounce of nutmeggs a pint and a half of good ale yet wh these are well mixed putt in two pound of carraway comfitts and a little salt the oven must be ready and pritty hot or else it will not rise:

Last edit 17 days ago by Caroline Butten
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Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet


18 For a strain or bruse aprovd:

An Ox is gall & a quartE of pint of Brandy boyle all togethE gently yn put it in a viol altogethE and so keep it for yoE use:

For a sore throat aprovd:

Take a little quantity of speremints and wormood a halfpeniworth of cumming seed and a half= =peniworth of pepE a half peniworth of hony the white of an egg half a spoonful of bay salt pound yoE herbs and seeds and peper and salt then mix it alltogethE and make a little bag about ye bigness of the palm of yoE hand and apply to the crown of yoE head cut of the hair it will do bettE.

To stop bleeding in man or horse:

Spemint white wine vinegar bay salt & boal almanak a little quantity of each pound it to toge= =thE yn bind it on wth a cloath upon ye grief:

Last edit 17 days ago by Caroline Butten
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Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet


How to preserve Creme green Apricoks

Take Apricoks wn ye stones are firm in ym & Pare them thin yn slitt ym in ye seame & Putt ym into faire watE the watE most be cold yn take ym out of ye watE & way ym & take there waight in fine sugar yn take Apricocks & putt ym into a scillet of cold watE & cover ym close & sett ym ovE ye fire and so let ym stand till thay be scolding hot then take tm of a little while & sett ym on againe & so doe till they be very greene & tendE yn take ym out of the watE & lay ym in a Sylver or Earthen dish strew some sugar on ym yn take waight of waight for waight in sugar take a quartE of a pint of watE that ye Apricocks was scaled in & make a sirrup of it yn putt in yoE apricoks and boyle ym a little while yn take ym of the fire & take out all sheare stones & put ym in ye sirrup againe & boyle ym up 5 or 6 warm times yn take up yoE Apricoks and lay ym in a broad dish & boyle yoE sirrup again and put it warme to ye Apricocks & so lett ym stand all night before your fire putt ym up you must ad to this AmbE grease or musk if you please:

Last edit 17 days ago by Caroline Butten
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