fol. 51v


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4 revisions
cristobal -oldfordham at Apr 17, 2016 03:39 AM

fol. 51v

1559 Annos

In nicān ōquīzquê chapōlmê āxcān
Sabbado a xv de abril

In ōompēuh Fisorrey tēācala-
quīto lones a 24 dias del mes
de abril. quimācalaquīto in yàquê
a la forida.

In mopēhualtî āpiyāztli lones 29 dias
del mes de mayo

1559 Annos

Nicān mol-
pî in toxiuh ic 8 molpia.

In ōàcicô visorrey ōtē-
ācalaquīto sabbado a 8
dias del mes de Julio.

12 Augusto in compēhualtî
ītequiuh don Estehua de cozma Juez
quiyēctilīco in calpōllālli.

Ìcuāc ilhuitzin īpan Sant An-
dres in īpan neteōchīhualōc
don callos Emperador.


On Saturday the 15th of April there was another grasshopper plague.

The Viceroy set out and took people on boats with him on Monday the 24th of April. The people he took with him were the ones who had gone to Florida.

A water channel was begun on Monday the 29th of May.

Year 1559

At this time our years were tied for the eighth time.

The Viceroy who had taken people with him arrived on Saturday the 8th of July.

On the 12th of August, don Estehua de Cozma began his job as judge. He came to rule over the land of the calpolli.

On the holiday of St. Andrew there was was religious celebration in honor of Don Carlos the emperor.

fol. 51v

1559 Annos

In nicān ōquīzquê chapōlmê āxcān
Sabbado a xv de abril

In ōompēuh Fisorrey tēācala-
quīto lones a 24 dias del mes
de abril. quimācalaquīto in yàquê
a la forida.

In mopēhualtî āpiyāztli lones 29 dias
del mes de mayo

1559 Annos
===2 Ācatl===
Nicān mol-
pî in toxiuh ic 8 molpia.

In ōàcicô visorrey ōtē-
ācalaquīto sabbado a 8
dias del mes de Julio.

12 Augusto in compēhualtî
ītequiuh don Estehua de cozma Juez
quiyēctilīco in calpōllālli.

Ìcuāc ilhuitzin īpan Sant An-
dres in īpan neteōchīhualōc
don callos Emperador.
