Friendly Association Papers

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Vreland Johanas [Frilane] Who was taken prisoner four years ago is Now at the Shawsnee town Chiefly known there by the name of yt Ducthman and belongs to an Indian Who is known by the name of the horse jockey has two Children both boys his Wife being Slain there by the Indians


Last edit about 1 year ago by cloudsrunner


Needs Review


Loving Friend [?] near Fort Frederick ye. 12th 2mo 1769 As the Wagoneer that had agree'd to take y.e last of y.e Goods was to have come to receive them last Six Day, & that Day & night Rain'd so __ sucessively here that I expected him not to have come till Seven Day but is not come yet. I got my horse saddle on y.e First Day in order to go by Virginia in Quest of him but my Horse remains so Lame since I was at Winches -ter that I thought of leaving him in Virginia & Getting another at some _rate, but as I expect I can get him along in this side, to Cumberland it being so much nigher [?] go I should proceed as soon as y.e higth of y.e Creeks will [admit] which will not be before tomorrow by all accounts here I intend to vet off y.e nighest way in hopes by going easy my Horse will hold its & save it. [?] Imploying another & in case I went to see this waggoner who lived in y.e other side of Winchester time would not [adonid] mos to come come back here to Lead him & go with him into Virginia to buy some corn & oaths which I was to have done by Samuels Orders in this disappointment & Samuels Absence being gone after Hinton I think it my best method to get to Cumberland to receive y.e Goods from y.e waggons already Gone as soon as possible. Gen Clark has signed a lease of y.e [?] there & I have [?] Letter to y.e officer which is Cpt. Parise & road to pass & especially as I must be one night in y.e woods & may happen to strike up my fire near some of y.e Places where y.e murders was comitted as they talk of Several such places on y.e Road, but I tell them that I apprehend more cause of being affraid of y.e licing than y.e dead, in thire sense of it, but in Case we could firm y.e stay our Love & fear on y.e Almighty being, we need not much fear either of them, & as I have done neither, any hurt I expect none frome y.e poor dead

Last edit about 1 year ago by cloudsrunner


Needs Review


Lancaster 6mo: 6th 1760

Esteemed Friend

My writing to thee at this time is occasioned by the psinful case of a poor young woman that is in the town at present (it has been about 6 months) under the doctor's care in order to be cured of an ulcer in her side but as her case proves more difficult than was at first expected 'tis fear d it will be too hard for the doctors here and doctr Charles Moore being so kind in his return from Hempfield as to call [?] see her. [Y] after hearing her case a little intimated that the likelyest way of procuring relief was by being in your hospital which has made her desirous of going down if she could be admitted. Now Dear Friend, my request is that thou would lend thy assisting hand.

She is a young woman that has livd some time with our Friend in[?] Churchman & latter by has inclind to go to Friends Meetings for which [Y] some other things as her [dress] speech [?] has set her relations much against her. They being mostly Presbyterians, her Father & Mother died when young. So that I soubt not but if her case was thoroughly known to Friends [?] would not suffer for want of a small assistance. Her conduct of patient behaviour while here has been very satisfactory. I believe if she was so favourd as to be addmitted it would be very pleasing to sundry Friends at Nottingham as well as here. Please to excuse this freedom in writing on this [acco?] [?] if thou'rt pleasd to assisttin the case should be glad she might come down in 2 or 3 weeks, if it's approved of by thou

Concerened. I am thy assured Friend. Isaac Whitelock


Last edit about 1 year ago by cloudsrunner
Needs Review


To Israel Pemberton, Merch: In Philadelphia

Lancaster 6 6mo [1760?] From Isaac Whitelock

Last edit about 1 year ago by cloudsrunner


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127A 4/25/1756

germanton[?] 4thm 25th 1756

Friend Pemberton

I am glad to hear that friends have prposed for an accomodation with the Indians. and, as many ignorant as well as illminded people are onteach[?] towards friends, ascribing to them all the mischif done by the Indians without and found reason. I should be very glas and willing ao assist in what manner I can and do believe that many friends who are against bearing arms will Contribute towards a Peaceible way and I think that among them by a volume[?]. my way of supscription more will be geathered than what many will think and as I have corespondence with many friends among the germans. I will write to them to conclude about it in their meetings, especilly to the menomists which are most able and willing to Contribute to Such a purpose. Let me know, what is proposed to the Indians which are going to the disscontended ones of their nations, and as soon as it can be. and if something is done that the publick my know let that be by it left and thee will oblige thy friend

Christophor Sawer[?]

Last edit over 1 year ago by cloudsrunner


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211A 8/18/58

Shippensbourg 18th August 1758


I thank you most heartily for your Copy of the Conferences held with the Jerseys.

I congratulate you upon the promising aspect of our Indian negociations, and so I am convinced that no person understands them better or more Zealous to bring them to a speedy and happy conclusion than you are, I shall therefore hope that every thing will go on smoothly and without interuption from any party Zeal[?], private picque, or provincial and proprietary views; as this is a general good that is endeavoured to be brought about, every other consideration ought to give place.

I have endeavoured to persuade Mr. Denny to invite the personale attendance of all the Governours, which I dare say he will do, and they comply with.

I need not tell you that a jealousy of the Quackers grasping at hordes[?], has perhaps [harbor?] place in some peoples minds; you have now a very critical time of showing that you are actuated only by the publick good and the preservation of the provinces.

I shall be glad to hear of your proceedings and pray


Last edit over 1 year ago by cloudsrunner
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To Israel Pemberton Esq at Philadelphia

Shipper'sburgh 18/28 Aug 1758 from Israel Forbes

Last edit over 1 year ago by cloudsrunner


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Three [Suns?] [illegible] 15th 1759


I had the [favour?] of yours last night but was gone to bed before I received it--- I should be very sorry that you perswaded me to do anything that could give umbrage to the province or provincial [illegible] by giving protections for carrying [up?] your goods—Tho I cannot but lightly applaid your Zeal for the service Therefor without hesitation send you the below order for yourself and the enclosed for the Commanding Officers----

I am Sir your most humble servant [illegible]

To Mr. Israel Pembertone

Last edit about 5 years ago by CWolf-oldfordham


Needs Review



Dear Honoured Sir

It gives me great pleasure to inform your Honour in my weakness of health that we arrived at [Machiwihilusing] an Indian Township newly laid out where there are about one hundred together all of the Minasink Indians a sort of religious people, it is about eight years since they began and Papunahoal is the beginner of the company & their Minister. They want to see the Friends chiefly and to show that the really are Friends, they have not joined in the War. These people who have the prisoners are since come to live among them and they are determined to let nobody live among them that do not deliver their Prisoners and Indians that have not joined in the War do not like to treat about Peace so these are not of the same sort so farr as I can learn. As these People are a religious People I delivered me to hold a meeting with so I did with great Blessing over the [sect?] that their Angels proclaimed at the Birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ [&] it suited well. They delivered the prisoners to us as it is in [Teedyuseang] letter with these speeches as follows, ----

Brother, give attention to what I am going to say. Brother, Last [?] fall when you passed by here I heard what you & your brethren the English had agreed on. I rejoiced over it to hear you after you came back that was the reason I delivered you the horses that were brought there from the inhabitants. Brother, listen to what I say, I heard last night what you told me our brethren the English have so much a heart & what they desire we all let you know it shall be granted concerning their own flesh & blood here. We know that God knows us. We have not been honest, we have been false & deceitful in keeping your Flesh & Blood so long, th' we thought to lvoe God, but, Brother we now assure you all that belongs to this Town or Society we have three captives here which we will deliver to you for we desire to do Justice & to love God. But Brothers, we cannot command others that are newly come here to deliver them also. Brother I would now freely do what our Brethren the English desired me to do. I wish it was in my Power to assist that they might get them all back that are scattered in the Woods

Last edit about 1 year ago by cloudsrunner


Needs Review


Recd 1 mo 31st of Israel Pemberton Four pounds five Shillings for three pairs Leather Breeches deld to the Indians



Last edit about 5 years ago by CWolf-oldfordham
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