


Status: Complete


would be agreeable to her for you to have the
janitor work if it would suit Mr. O'Callahan well.
I told her I'd heard Mr. O'C. had said he would like
for Mr. Grandy to have the job. She said she would let
me know in few days or see me again soon.
Grand Ma O'Callahan has told me several times
that Harry O'C. had several times, said, he would like
so well for you to have the job but he didn't know
how it would be with Mrs. H. on account of Mr. Harry H.
having said he might want it.

So stay where you are until Mr. Webb sends for you
and until we see how things are going to open up
here for us staying another year.

What amount are you paying on property monthly
and could we keep them up if you should only
make 75.00 per mo.? School job may be less this
year for all I know but spect you could sandwich
in carpenter work too.

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