Page 131 (seq. 133)




Status: Indexed

[?][?][?] Messrs Baker & Bridgham applied to me for a Bill
but I could not let them have it. they told me they were going to send
it you for goods & beleive they write you. I have no great knowledge
of them, but never heard anything to their disadvantage. you
will act as you please~

The inclosd Letter please to forward to Newcastle. ~ Inclosd
you have the 2d Bill with Letter of advice of Bruces for £200~

Messrs Barnards & Harrison

[On right margin]
P[er] Scott
P[er] Freeman

Boston August 9th 1765


The foregoing Confirm a Copy of my last. Capt Scott
in the Lydia sail'd yesterday & hope he will have a safe &
quick passage to you. I have not wrote for any Insurance. if he should
not be Arrived when this reaches you I should think it best to Insure
part for me & desire you to Insure for my part of Brig+: Lydia
& Cargo £800 Serllg on Brig+ Potash, oyle & navals Stores, tho'
I think she must be with you before this. as to your own parts
you will use your pleasure.

Nothing has Occur'd since my last; I am loading Smith
as fast as possible; I shall Ship in him a quantity of Whale Oyle.
if you can Engage a Markett for it before it Arrives I should
be glad, on the Best Terms you can. if not would have it sold
immediately on its arrival, at the best price you can obtain.
I shall write you for Insurance hereafter.

Am now in haste & Remain
Your Real Freind

Messrs Barnards & Harrison

[On right margin]
P[e]r Capt Freeman
P[e]r Capt Bass

Boston Aug[us]t 22. 1765~


Since my last of 9th inst[an]t I have none of your favours
to reply to. this I hope you will receive by the Ship Liberty Henry
Master who is almost wholly Loaded on my own account
to your address which Cargo I must desire you will dispose of
immediately on its arrival to the best advantage. Inclosd you
have Invoice & Bill Lading of Cargo ship'd on board the Liberty
for my Acco[un]t say Pitch Tarr, Oyl, Pottash Whale Fins & Staves
which I wish may arrive safe & meet a tolerable markett. I
doubt not your best Endeavours to obtain the best prices. the
N[ea]t proceeds of which you will please to pass to my Credit & beg
you will as soon as you can send me Account Sales of this
Cargo with all changes attending this Ship which I pray
may be as moderate as possible. ~

Notes and Questions

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Lucio Alvarez

I used Neat instead of Net because that's what the writer used on previous pages.