(seq. 1)
Mr S. Elliott Augusta Geoa. Febry 17th 1819
My Dear Sir
It was not until about three days since that I learned, in a letter from Mr Cimler of your return from the Albama county; which has delayed my writing to you for some time past, which indugling a hope that you would take Augusta in your way back. — I worked to show you my little her= =barium and proffer any of its contents to you that might be worth your acceptance; not however believing that there can be much or any thing in it new to you: particularly as I ahve not made collections for the last year, and prior to that time I used to add some of all I thought could be interesting to you, to those Dr Baykin sent you thro' my hands. And to make a set =tlement of the amt due you for the copies of your work that I have distributed. — Enclosed are notes to the amt of $56 — which added to the 54 pd you by Mr Singlie on my apc is.................110 No on hand.............................107 No amt to Dr Baykin..................33 250
which corresponds with 50 copies rec'd of each Nos 1,2,3,4&5
(seq. 2)
[page 2] I consider myself, of course, as assuming the payment of those sent to Dr Baykin, but a letter of his rec'd about two weeks since mentions that he will have to return some Copies: — so soon however as I can ascertain how many are distributed by him (and I will write to him by tomorrows mail) the amt shall be remitted you. I did not recollect until this moment (not having made an en= =try of it) that according to your request I sent a Copy of each No in my hands to Mr Willm Green.
Of the following Nos will you please to send me only 30 copies, which will be amply sufficient for ths place and Milledgeville. Are these any beyond the 5th out? if so be so good as to direct them to be sent.
If you have a spare specimen, however inconsiderable of the Alisma tennifotia, can I take the liberty of begging it? — I have been called on by the Med: Gentlemen of this place to point out the plant to them as it has been recommended by very various and in my opinion equally insufficient authority, as a remedy for Hydrophobia, and I am willing to gratify them but unable to find it by its leaves & among the dead vegetable matter that fill our ditches at this season of the year. I am very sceptical of its virtues in this disease, and think it more than folly for men who have acquired professional reputation in the
[page 3] regular pursuit of science and phylosophy, to hope to blunder upon a remedy, like an empiric, in this formid =able malady, when physiological and every other mode of enquiry have hitherto failed to supply us with facts shewing how the animal economy is deranged by canine virus. — I equally doubt the virtues of the Alisma as entitled y it to the rank of an officinal.
Any attention that it will be convenient to shew my very particular friend Dr Edward Brux, the bearer of this; will lay me under obligations. — He is on a visit to the West Indian Islands. —
With great Regard I Re[?] Dr Sir Yrs etc etc Thos J. Wray.