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Stephan Elliott {Esquire} Lin Bot Garden nr New York Sept 29 28 [Dhi?]
Your very kind letter of 23rd July has this day come again into my hands in overlooking some files — may I take the liberty of asking you if you recd my Desiderata which I afterwards forwarded to you & may I also ask your aid & influence towards obtaining some of it's contents — The Hamiltonia I have long been very desirous to obtain — so of the Table Moun= =tain pine Pinus pungens — The family of the Asclepiadea are anxiously desired as is the Hypericium family — The Ceratiola ericodes growing at St Simons Island I could never obtain nor seeds of Kalmia hirsuta — but I refer you to my Desiderata — The fact is I am from American pride interested in advancing my estab that it may proudly [copy?] in comparison with those of any aristocratic Country — May I then solicit a few of your leisure hours in each passing year, to aid a labourer in that lovely field over which your scientific
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efforts have shed so much lustre —
Your most Resp Wm Prince [JMW?]
I hope the attention of our Southern Brethren will be turned fully to the wine — the juice of the grape will wash out all their griefs & render the North their tributary — I have now over 400 varieties 207 of which are from the farfamed collection of the Louxembourg — and I have now tens of thousands ready to plant vinyards & of those kinds which will suit the various climates of the union — In my Desiderata I particularly named
Rhus elegans with scarlet fruit Lupinus villosus Baptisia perfoliata Bullet Grape Lycium floridamuca of this last I now have one plant — The others are still desired —
Mr Herbemont sent me some shrubs which he supposed to be Hamiltonia but they are not — being Sideroxylon or Nyssa
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Sept 29, 1828. New York Wm Prince
Stephen Elliot Esq. {Esquire} Charleston South Carolina