Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Letter from William Prince to Stephen Elliott, 1828 September 29. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Correspondence from New York horticulturist William Prince (1766-1842) to Elliott, dated September 29, 1828, regarding specimens he wished to have, including species of Hypericum, and his cultivation of wine grapes, of which he has “400 varieties” including “those kinds which will suit the various climates of the union.”


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Stephan Elliott {Esquire} Lin Bot Garden nr New York Sept 29 28 [Dhi?]

Your very kind letter of 23rd July has this day come again into my hands in overlooking some files — may I take the liberty of asking you if you recd my Desiderata which I afterwards forwarded to you & may I also ask your aid & influence towards obtaining some of it's contents — The Hamiltonia I have long been very desirous to obtain — so of the Table Moun= =tain pine Pinus pungens — The family of the Asclepiadea are anxiously desired as is the Hypericium family — The Ceratiola ericodes growing at St Simons Island I could never obtain nor seeds of Kalmia hirsuta — but I refer you to my Desiderata — The fact is I am from American pride interested in advancing my estab that it may proudly [copy?] in comparison with those of any aristocratic Country — May I then solicit a few of your leisure hours in each passing year, to aid a labourer in that lovely field over which your scientific

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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efforts have shed so much lustre —

Your most Resp Wm Prince [JMW?]

I hope the attention of our Southern Brethren will be turned fully to the wine — the juice of the grape will wash out all their griefs & render the North their tributary — I have now over 400 varieties 207 of which are from the farfamed collection of the Louxembourg — and I have now tens of thousands ready to plant vinyards & of those kinds which will suit the various climates of the union — In my Desiderata I particularly named

Rhus elegans with scarlet fruit Lupinus villosus Baptisia perfoliata Bullet Grape Lycium floridamuca of this last I now have one plant — The others are still desired —

Mr Herbemont sent me some shrubs which he supposed to be Hamiltonia but they are not — being Sideroxylon or Nyssa

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 3)
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(seq. 3)

Sept 29, 1828. New York Wm Prince

Stephen Elliot Esq. {Esquire} Charleston South Carolina

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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