Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Letter of Ambrose-Marie-François-Joseph Palisot de Beauvois, 1810 September 14. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Photostat of unaddressed correspondence of Ambrose-Marie-François-Joseph Palisot de Beauvois (1752-1820), thanking the recipient of the letter, probably Stephen Elliott, for his observations on his work, and requesting American plant specimens.


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Paris 1810 thru 14th of 7. [br?][ 14th Sept 1810

[?] Jan. 8, 1811


I take the opportunity of M. Rembrandt Peale who is on his departure for Philadephia, to write to you and give you his thanks for the mosses you sent with the letter dated the Februarius — 1st 1808. I suppose you have no received my answers, for since that time, I heard nothing from you. I took notice of your judicious observations upon my prodromus. I thank you for them. Now, whithout leaving my work upon [Æthéogamian?] plants, I by an observation upon Graminea and I hope in several months I shall have the pleasure to send you that — work with plates of this [lav?] of all genera which are almost all [reformed?] if it is possible I shall be very happy of receiving all American specimens species. You may send them, Sir, with the cryptogamia as you say in your last you have executed for me, by the way of your amabassador or chargé d'affaires in Paris. It is the only way to receive safely what you please to send. I whish to have the Nova Genera et Species Plantarum Americanarum by M. Rafinesque Schmaltz, which has been announced in the Medical Repository of New York vol. 5. with the plants described in it. I write to the gentleman himself, but I don not know if he lives in New York or else where.

Pray sir receive as a prove of my great consideration the 12 livraison of my Flora 'Owariensis. is the 12th year

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 2)
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under the descriptions of the [ophimenus?] et [recurvem?], you will know, the [schi?re?] of my manner of considering the graminea. You may juge by it how I want to possess all the species. I know you have collected good many, which I shall thank you for, if you can spare them for me.

I hope this letter shall be more happy than those I wrote to you since the last I receive from you. If there is in [fa?] for any plants or other objects of natural history you may desire, pray sir, notice me them and I shall take the greatest to send them to you.

[Believe?] me Sir with the greatest esteem and consideration your most humble obediant serviant and friend

Palisot de Beauvois Membre de l'institut de france rue do tuvenue no. 58 Paris.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
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