(seq. 2)
Hexandria, Monogynia
This order contains fifty six genera — Divided into such as have trifid corolla & a calix of which there are five, — 2d such as are a monophyllous spatha of which there are seven 3d such as are hexpetallous and naked of which there are twenty-one, 4th monopectalous & naked, of which there are ten — 5th such as have a calix but the corolla not trifid ——— 1st Division Bromelia, Tillandsia, Bromelia, Burmannia, Tradescantia Bursera, 2nd Division Pontederia, Haemanthus, Galanthus, Leucojum, Tulbagia [Tulbaghia], Narcissus, Pancratium 3d Div.—— Crinum, Amaryllis, Bulbocodium, Aphyllanthes, Allium, Lilium, Fritillaria, Uvularia, Gloriosa, Tulipa Erythronium, Albuca, Ornithogalum, Scilla, Hypoxis, Cyanella, Asphodelus, Anthericum, Leontice, Dracaena Asparagus, 4th Convallaria, Polyanthes, Hyacinthus, Aletris, Yucca, Aloe, Agave, Alstroemeria, Capura, & Hemerocallis ——— 5th [loss] Acorus, Orontium, Calamus, Juncus, Achras, Richardia, Prinos, Berberis, Loranthus, Frankenia, Hillia Peplis, & Canaria ———
English names 1st Div — Pine apple, Tillandsia, Burmannia, Virginian spider wort, Bursera ——— 2d Div — Pontederia, blood flowers, snow dropt, greater snow dropt, Tulbagia [Tulbaghia], Narcissus, Sea Daffodil —— 3 asphodel Lilly, Lilly Daffodil, Bulbocadium, Aphyllanthes, garlick, lily, fritillary, uvullaria, superb Lily Tulip —— Dogs' tooth violet, Albuca, star of Bethlehem, squill, hipoxis, cyanella, asphodel or King's spear, Spider wort, Lion's foot dracaena, asparagus or sperage ——— 4th — Lily of the valley, Tuberose, hyacinth bastard Aloe, adams needle, [loss] American aloe, Alstroemeria, Capura dog lily or Lily Asphodel, 5th D — Sweet rush, floating Arum, colonus, rush, sapota, Richardia, winter berry, barbary, Loranthus, Frankenia hillia water purslane, canaria ———
Hexandria, Monogynia
1st Division Tradescantia | 3 Division |
[specimen] | Anthericum |
——— | [specimen impression] |
Frankenia | [loss] |
5 Division | Capsicum |
[specimen] | of the pentandria class |
——— | put here by mistake |
——— | [specimen] |
(seq. 3)
Tetradynamia Filiculosa
This class consist of such plants that are furnished with 6 stamina two shorter than four — the order does not depend on the pistil but on the pericarpium — There are two orders Siliculos & Silignosa The 1st order siliculosa has 14 genera
Myagrum ————— Gold of pleasure Vella ————— Spanish Cress Anastatica ————— Rose of Jericho — Subularia ————— Rough leaved Alysson Draba ————— Whitlow Grass Lepidium ————— Dittander or Pepper Wort — Thalpsi ————— Mithridate Mustard or Treacle Mustard Cochlearia ————— Scurvy Grass or Spoon Wort Iberis ————— Candy Tuft or Sciatica Cress — Alissum ————— Madwort — Pelatria ————— —————————————— Clypeola ————— Treacle Mustard Biscutella ————— Buckler Mustard — Lunaria ————— Moon-Wort, Satin flower, or Honesty.
(seq. 5)
[loss] [Classis 15. Tetradynamia, no. 2] Siliquosa
This order contains seventeen genera.
Ricotia —————————————— Dentaria ————————————— Tooth-wort — Cardamine ———————————— Lady's Smock Sisymbrium ——————————— Water Cress Erysimum ————————————— Hedge Mustard Cheiranthes —————————— Stock Ivy Flower Heliophila ———— —————— Hesperis ————————————— Dames's Violet, Rocket, or Queen's Arabis ——————————————— Bastard Tower Mustard July Flow Turritis ————————————— Tower Mustard Brassica ————————————— Cabbage — Sinaphis —————— Mustard Raphanus ————————————— Radish Bunias ——————————————— —————— Isatis —————————————— Woad — Crambe ——————————————— Sea Cabbage Cleome ———————————————— Bastard Mustard