(seq. 1)




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Elliott, Stephen Jour. Phila. Acad. I. 1818 [1]
Elliott on the Genus Glycine

1818.] GENUS LANCEOLA. 319

both females, the above descriptions are taken ; the
male not having yet come under examination. I am
sensible that it is not perfectly consistent with a due
degree of caution, to construct a genus for the female
of an animal, when, as in this case, the male may pre-
sent diverse characters, or such as are much more pro-
minent and accessible, although this has been often
done. But in the present instance we have an animal
to give an account of, whose generic traits widely dif-
fer from those of any other as laid down by naturalists,
so that in order to be introduced into this paper at all, it
is believed that the formation of a distinct genus is un-
avoidable; this is therefore offered provisionally, to be
altered, rejected, or retained, as the male, when disco-
vered, may justify.

Its generic affinities are rather difficult to determine.
It is allied to Amphipoda by the vesicular branchiae,
and by the caudal appendices to the genus Phronima,
more than to any other of this order; in the external
appearance of the mouth there is a great similarity to
the Linnaean Oniscii, the labium being nearly the same
in form. In general form it somewhat resembles Onis-
cus cæruleatus of Montagu, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond.
vol. xi, from which I suppose Doct. Leach has formed
his genus Praniza, which, although but slightly charac-
terized by Mr. Latreille, in Le Règne.Animal, tom. 3,
p. 54, and without any reference to books or specimens,
is evidently very distinct.

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