(seq. 239)




Status: Indexed


Materia Medica


from this circumstance we may account for their health, they also
wash their bodies two or three times a week, and thus the disease
is prevented = copper exerts its deleterious effects on animals as well
as man = as dogs, horses &c. But not so evidently on birds they
prefer it to pure water which may be proved by placing two pans
in a yard where there are fowls, in one pan shall be pure water
in the other an impregnation of copper and they will give the
preference to the latter, this substance has never been used in a
pure metallic state as a medicine, but I have reason to believe
it might be employ’d with considerable advantage, the
introduction of copper into practice is of verry antient [ancient] date as far back
as the time of Hypocrates.

Acetate of Copper
or Verdigris. This is formed by the use of vegitable
acids and copper, it is both an astringent and escharotic it has
proved usefull when given internally this is more commonly used
in malignant ulcers externally, it is used internally with great
advantage in such cases of venerial Ulcers as where the bones
are affected. By some authors it has been recommended in gleet.
Bells formula is grs iij to ℥ij [3 grains to 2 ounces] Ol. Olivar. well rubbed together and
used as an injection = I have never used it for I think it too

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