(seq. 261)




Status: Indexed


Materia Medica


I believe it is the most active ingredient in all the cancer
powders of the efficacy of which I once had an opportunity of Judging
in a case of cancer in in the Pennsylvania Hospital and certainly
produced a cure, Plumpkins composition is as follows Rx brownFoot
one handfull, dogs fennel three sprigs, crude sulphur and White
each three thimblefulls I have not the least doubt of this
medicine, arsenic has been of great service in cancer. In syphilis
I believe from my modus operandi of the medicine it certainly
would be of service, it certainly does sometimes produce
salivation, looseness of the teeth and all the effects which mercury

Flowers of Zinc. This preparation is employ'd
in Epilepsy from 1 gr. to grs ij [1 to 2 grains] in twenty four hours = In this dose
it is said to be of verry great advantage it has been used in the
Pennsylvania Hospital with much efficacy, in combination with
Cuprum Ammoniacum it may be exhibitted in larger doses than
when alone, the flowers of Zink have been used in ulcers from
gunshot wounds with the best effects.

of Zinc
. Of this there are two kinds, this preparation has been
used as an injection in Gonorrhea, it has also been used in
Epilepsy and whooping cough. In the latter disease I have exhibitted

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