(seq. 550)




Status: Indexed


Calomel. Or Sub Murius Hydrargyri. Of all the
mineral cathartics this is the most usefull and most employ’d,
in fact there is no case where either alone or combined it is not used, it
possesses the peculiar property of lessening the activity of the drastic
purgatives and increasing the activity of the lenient ones, it is frequently
given to make an impression on the neighboring viscera, from its
having no taste or smell and being small of bulk it is peculiarly
adapted to the diseases of children and evacuates the bowels more
completely than any other we have. There is a verry unfounded
prejudice arising from the exhibition of it to children but that is
only because too small doses have been used; I seldom give it in
the first year but afterwards to a child of 2 years old, I administer
a dose of 10 to 12 grs [grains], and it is my opinion that in the full dose it
acts more mildly than in the small doses, which not passing off by
stool are apt to salivate.

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