(seq. 90)
Fever Billious
This is a kind of a Burning Fever. It begins with Intense Heat
Thirst and Anguish with Inquietude. There is likewise a Vomiting,
or a perpetual Reaching to Vomit with Frequent Billious
Stools, a Coldness of the Extremities, internal heat, and Cardialgia
with Anxiety
Bleed then give an Emetic Ipeca. cum Tart. Emetic. If the Body should
Remain Costive Open it with a Laxative
To bring the Fever to regular Intermissions give the Saline Julep.
Give some Doses of the Diaphoretic Julep if the Patient dont sweat
When the Urine breaks give the Febrifuge Elect. of the Bark
but if the patient was not purged ad Rhei to the Feb. Elect. and
keep the body open two or three Days
When the head is affected with Pains, and there is a Delirium and
the Pulse is small apply Leeches to the temples and Blisters to
other parts give nothing but gentle laxatives to make Evacuations
Rx. pulv. Rad. Cont. C. s. j. Nit. gr. 10. Camph gr ij. or iij M. f. pulv. to
be repeated every 6th hour.
If the Pulse sink give Bolus Alexipharmicus. f. Brooks Practice
If ye Body swells purge with Rhei & Calomel. Dr Shattock
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