(seq. 96)
Fever Goal
See Malignant Fever.
Fever Hectic in Children
Pulse hard, quick, weak, most after Meals
and in the Evening.
Tongue Dry, hard, rough.
Lacc. Muleir or [Ases's?] if either of these cannot be had
Cows or Goats will answer providing tis Corrected thus to one
point of Milk add Mann. oz. j. vel Sacch. Rose or Cons.
Ros. after a while the patient may Drink Qt. j per die cum
Sacch. oz. ss et Nit. dr. ss
When there is an Ulcer in the Lungs Milk and Water
alone is best.
Selters waters are good or the following tea
Rx Male Speedwell Sow thistle Sage of Jersalem
Liver Wort Colts Foot ground Ivy Maiden hair
Flowers St Johns Wort & Roses aa pro Infus. add
Lacc Vaccin. et Sacch. few drops Ol. tart. per Deliquium
give no Wine.
When the Patient is Hypochondriac milk is not good
Rx. Coral. or Mother of Pearl in Succ. Aurant.
is proper
Cort. peruv. or Cort. Eleutheric made into an
Elect. is good with Syr. Limons.
Riding on Horse Back should not be forgot.
Rx. Rad. Jalap. pulv. Merc. d. gr. ij. Tart. Vit. q. s. pro. cathart.
See Atrophy.
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