(seq. 99)




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Fever Malignant
or Spotted

Pulse Contracted, quick, weak, small, Languid
Tongue At 1st White and grows dry and dark
It has a bubble on the top many Days at
last it becomes dry black & stiff.

The True Spotted Fevers are very Malignant
Contagious and Detrimental to the head and
Strength attended with Spots of Various colours
arising from a Corruption of the Vital Fluid
and putrid Dissolution consequent thereupon
Bleed if the Pulse are quick full or tense
but take away but a small Quantity if the
Head only suffers bleed only by leeches at the
Temples but if there is a Delerium with a sunk
Pulse Bleeding is pernicious many have
recovered without bleeding and but few who
have lost much Blood, Vomits before the
Disease is formed, may nip it in the Bud
when a Fever is fixed, and Vomiting supervenes
it will be then Dangerous to give a Vomit
but some Draught of Cham. may be allowed
then the Saline Draught and afterwards a gentle
Opiate if necessary to quiet the Spasms or a laxative
Enema to turn the Humours downward
Camph. Nit. Musk. Rad. Serpt. Virg. are all good

Fever Mesenteric

This is not suddenly fatal it generally
Continues more then 21 Days It is Not
epidemic nor Contagious and is attended
with Coldness of the Extremities thin
Urine with little Sediment frequent
Coughing a small Excretion of Crude
matter a Redness and pain in the Fauces
a Loathing of food a want of thirst
with uncertain Exacerbations it
seems akin to the Nervous Fever.

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