(seq. 141)




Status: Complete


This is the Cannel through
which the food passes from
the Mouth to the stomach

When this Cannel is growing
up the Patient is in
eminent Danger some
have starved to Death
by Reason thereof.

There is no cure for it
but Mercury given in
Cathartics * or a gentle Salivation. Merc dulc given
in small doses at Night
is proper
But in Obstinate Cases
Raise a gentle Salivation

or Stiff Neck

Warm Bathing
Tinct. Opii. gut 5 - 200
began in small Quant.
and repeated pro re nata
Oily and Emollient
Enemas are proper
Bathe the parts affected
with warm Oil m cum
Opii. apply it with
Hang a Bladder filled
with warm Water to
the parts affected

Rx Figgs Liquorice
Fennel Seeds pro Decoct.
Sage Tea is good
Vin. alb. Whey. Mild
Diaphoretics. Panada
weak Broths when ye
Contractions are eased
add Canary to the Broths

When the Spasms are
Rx. Man. Tartar. Saffron
Treacle Water for a
Solution Exhib. every


Milk and Water for fomentations
Ointment of White tutty
applied at Night
Bathe with French Brandy
put the feet in Warm
water 3 times in a Day
Bleed in Inflamations
lay Blisters behind the
Ears or lay leeches below
the orbits of the Eyes
After Bleeding purging
is Necessary
Mercurial Cathartics
may be proper and
especially in Veneral


This is a Difficulty
of Breathing in
which the patient
cant breath unless
in an Errect Posture
of the Neck
In this the Muscles
of the Breath is in
great Danger
See Asthma

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