(seq. 2)
at a certian time she would draw down the moon to the earth.
At the time mentioned she they saw the earth.Eclipse, & made a tremen-
dous noise to induce the moon to resume her place.
I think Pope in his notes on the Iliad frequently in-
forms us that Juno, when used for a part of the Universe,
means the Earth. Comparing these two ideas, shall we not
have a solution of the account given us in II.xxi.565, of the
translation, of a squabble between Juno & Diana. It is impossible
to be positive with my stock of antient literature, for I really
think of that of all kinds of study it is the must barren; but
at present I supose it means nothing more than that
there was a lunar eclipse, & that it is described according
to the philosophy of the times.
Inclosed I send you a copy of a poem published
in 4to [quarto] to in the year 1769, by which you will see that
Tutors were not even in the happy days of antiquity treated
with more respect than at present. It was at the time
generally attributed to my clasmate J.W.A.
I hope your visit will be the week the vacation
ends, as every week before that, I shall be employed in
Probateering. I will endeavoring to gratify you with
regard to the plan of Salem, & to forward your things
when the Scholars go home.
Yours affectionately
James Winthrop
{Reverend} {William} Bentley.
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