[1], (seq. 1)
Honored Friend
I am wholy a Stranger to you further than as to Report which hath
spread it selfe to the rejoicing of many y[that] foand the Lord, and hearing
that your porcon [portion] hath been to suffer in some measure for the crosse of Christ,
my selfe and some other that truly loves you on the ground aforesaid made
it our request to the truly vertuous Lord Deputy to provide for you in
this Land who readily embraced the same and ordered fifty pound for
the bringing over your selfe and family as you may see by a copy of
his [L?] and councells inclosed, with direceons for mee to send
to you, which moneys I have sent by Mr John Wilson of Waterford
ones an inhabitant of New England who is bound with a shipp to some
parts of New England, and who will send to you and contrive your passage
and advise you as to the state of this country and the Christians amongst
us. You need not feare accomodacons here, though I hope that will not
be your cheife motive but rather honoing of the Lord and his great name
you may through mercy have free liberty of your conscience; and
opportunity of assotiating with saints and free publishing the Ghospel
of truth which greatly wanted amongst us there being but few
able and painefull men who make the service of God there worke.
I pray be not discouraged att any thing you have heard or shall
heare of this place but consider the providence of God who so
unexpectedly as to you calls for your remoue. Paul did not in the
like case confer with flesh and blood (happily you may have lesse
reason in some respect soe to doe). I desire you to have a care
knowing that there is a crafty one that lyes in wait for to decr[ ? ].
I shall add noe more but desire you to consider that it is the
duty of a Christian to be guided by the call of God, and to be and
doe what ever he shall require from you by which rule I
desire you to walk, and the God of mercy be your councellor
herein and guide you on the way he would have you to walk and
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