(seq. 38)
husbandman, for that the said Thomas Cook
did in the night between the 26th & 27th days
of said January by force & arms break into
the store house of said William in Cambridge
aforesaid & did from thence steal with an intent
to carry away, one pair of cloth shoes, about
a yard & half of duck, three fowls & sundry
other articles to the damage of the said Wil-
liam in the sum of twelve shillings against
the peace & dignity of the Commonwealth
& the form of the law in that case made & pro-
vided: Wherefore I the said Justice demand
of the said Thomas Cook now present before
me whether he is guilty or not guilty of the
charge contained in said warrant & now read
to him, to which he replies & pleads that he
is not guilty, but after hearing & examining
divers witnesses sworn to testify the whole
truth relative to said charge & fully hear-
ing the defence of said Thomas; it appears
to me the said Justice that the said Thomas
Cook is guilty as before charged: And he
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