(seq. 3)



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Left-hand page:
1. Went to Bost & came back. Hastings

10. noon. Ye [the] greatest number of spots in ye [the] sun[?] I ever saw. One I discove[red]
with my naked eye (with only a colord glass to save [see?] it) with thro[?]
telescope appeard to be a cluster of spots exceeding[?] black & incompa[?]
on all sides with a nebula; & besides yee, yre [there] were 5 or 6 in obse[?]
parts of ye sun. In ye eveng a considerable aurora, which abt 9[?]
o'clock was coverd by ye clouds. Till now ye winter has
been very severe, Boston harbor quite froze up, loaded
sleds drive over Charlestown ferry etc.
11. Snow.
12. A great thaw.
13. Cloudy, warm. Abt noon had a sight of ye great spot in
the sun with only the red glass.

Right-hand page:
1741. JANUARY hath 31 Days.
Behold yon Mountains hoary Height
Made highter with new Mounts of Snow,
Again hehold the Winters weight
Oppresses the lab'ring Woods below:
And Streams with Icy Fetters bound
Benum'd and Cramp'd to solid Ground.
With well-heap'd Logs dissolve the Cold,
And feed the genial Heat with Fires;
Produce the Wine that mades us bold,
And sprightly Wit and Love inspires: Dryd. Hor.
M.W. courts, Spr. Tid. Aip.[?] Weath, etc. R [sun] S F. Sea [moon] pl. Lunat.
1\5 unsettled Weather \7 25 5\7 16\21\
2\6\[Opposition] [sun] [mars] violent Winds \7 24 5\8 00\thighs\
3\7\ [conjunction] [venus] [moon] and stormy \7 24 5\8 48\ 16\
4\D\[Opposition] [Jupiter] [Moon] but now Fair\7 23 5\9 36\26\
5\2\Earth & Gold Strive for mastery\7 22\5\10 33\knees\
X6\3\Inf C Boston, York & S. Kingston\7 21 5\11 28\28\
7\4\Falling Weather and a driving\7 21 5\12 23\legs\
8\5\ [Opposition] [Saturn] [Venus] Storm about this\7 20 5\1 17\28\
9\6\[Quadrature] [Jupiter] [Moon] Time [?] Perige\7 19 5\2 13\feet\
10\7\ middling Tides \7 18 5\3 5\27\
11\D\ slippery weather \7 17 5\3 56\head\
12\2\[Quadrature] [Saturn] [Moon] Now a cold\7 16 5\4 47\28\
X 13\3\ [Opposition] [Sun] [Saturn] Storm\7 15 5\5 38\neck\
14\4\Avisible [Conjunction] of Finery & Fraud\7 14 5\6 34\2\
15\5\[Opposition] [Jupiter] [Venus] fair Weather in some\7 13 5\7 15\arms\
16\6\[Conjunction] [Jupiter] [Moon] & frosty Nights Places\7 12 5\8 6\20\
17\7\[Opposition] [Mars] [Moon] S. Wind and \7 11 5\8 53\breast\
18\D\ a Thaw \7 10 5\9 40\16\
19\2\Prince of WALES born \7 09 5\10 29\29
XX 20\3\Inf C Barnstable [Conjunction] [Saturn] [Moon]\7 08 5\11 13\heart\
9 21\4\ Small spring Tides \7 07 5\12 00\24\
22\5\Alas! An unlucky [Opposition] coming on,\7 06 5\12 44\belly\
23\6\portends a bad Time for [?] Apge\7 05 5\1 28\18
24\7\LOVERS, and many Matches \7 04 5\2 13\reins\
25\D\disappointed Now expect aPlenty\7 03 5\2 56\13\
26\2\ [Opposition] [Mars] [Venus] either Rain or \7 02 5\3 40\24\
27\3\Sup.C. Charlstown [Quadrature] [Saturn] [Moon] \7 00 5\4 24\secrets\
28\4\Snow, or a Mixture, causing\6 59 6\5 8\18\
29\5\ bad Ways, and heavy Travel-\6 58 6\5 53\thighs\
30\6\ ling; like some Mediums of \6 56 6\6 40\13\
31\7\ Trade. Pretty cold after it.\6 54 6\7 28\26\
[Text printed in landscape orientation along edge of page]
New Moon 6 Day 7 Morning. \ Full Moon 20 Day 1 Afternoon,
First Quart. 13 Day 1 Morning. \ Last Quart. 28 Day 3 Afternoon

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Poem is John Dryden's version of Horace's 9th Ode of the First Book.