(seq. 19)




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the Lord call from heaven. When Israel is in
cruel bondage in Egypt then will God send to
visit them. When they are encamped by the Red
Sea hem'd in on every side, the sea before them
the Egyptians marching after them, now must they
stand still & see the salvation of the Lord & the fatal
overthrow of their enemyes. When Jehoshaphat &
all Judah were in a great strait & know not
what to do, because of the great multitude that came a-
gainst them, then God will set ambushments against
their enemyes & set them one against another
to Destroy one another. God loves to take such op-
portunityes to step in for the help of his people.
And so when they are hungry & craving for food
& languishing for want of it then to fill them.

2. R. Because God will have persons know they are be-
holding to him for mercy. And therefore he will
let them see themselves destitute of all means to
help themselves before he will shew them mercy
He will bring them to acknowledge all is of God.
And therefore they shall be empty & hungry before he
will give them supply.

3. R. Because hungry needy souls are in the fittest posture
to receive mercy. They will prize it most, they will
be exceeding thankfull for it, the will improve it best.
They will make much of it, who are sensible what
it is to be without it, who are earnestly desirous of
it & have been eagerly seeking after it. They will
walk most humbly under it & be like to bring
forth most fruit of it.

4. R. Because the Lord Jesus was appointed a Mediator &
Redeemer for this end to procure relief & good things
for the needy, hungry, oppressed, & destitute. Isai. 61.
1, 2, 3. The worthiness is Christs upon account of which
these hungry souls are satisfyed & filled with good

Use. 1. It may be for encouragement to those who are in a
poor, hungry, needy condition. You have a gracious
God in Christ Jesus to go to who is wont to fill such
with his good things. Therefore take courage. Ps. 31. 24.
If you have any sincere desire to be filled with the
good things of Gods grace & favour, let not your
present empty needy state & frame dishearten you.
God hath a gracious respect to such. Psal. 102. 17. & 9.

1. Obj. But my poverty & misery is caused by my sinful neg-
lects & miscarriages.

An. 1. Let this deeply humble you. Bemoan your selfe that

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