(seq. 26)
14 incomes from him. This is admirable. as one speaks if think it [y?] Lords wife love [y?] feeds us with hunger & makes us fat with wants & defections. Rush. [Ep.?] 1. God hath brought you meat out of [y?] eater, & out of [y?] strong [frontness?]. Oh what do you owe to him? Let go [y?] peace of God [while?] in your hearts to [y?] which [ye?] we called & be [ye?] thankful. Col. 3. 15. Thanksgiving & praise suits & becomes those lips whose solitary & disconsolate moans of God hath graciously heard. Jonah. 2. 2., 9. [Pjal.?] 116. 1-17. Let all such therefore be thankfull, & withall take these two words. 1) Be very careful of grieving [y?] spirit of God hast you provoke him to withdraw from you again. Res Judicata [ast?] spritus [Dei?]. The spirit of God is a tender delicate thing. go walk circumspectly & carefully, return no more to jolly [lest?] you repeat your old sorrow. [Pjal?.] 85. 8. 2) Pity & pray for all those [y?] are yet labouring under their spiritual [maladyes?] & distresses. You have experienced what a misery it is to ly under spritual desertion. Let me go [bypeak?] your pity & prayer for all defeated souls, especially such as you know. They are defeated, distressed, [burde?]- ned, let [y?] move you to play earnestly for [y?]. Exhort. To come hungry before God [y?] we may be filled with his good things. Come like needy, poor destitute creatures [y?] look & hope for all only from [y?] rich true grace of God. Sensible of our wants, [y?] we have nothing wherewith to buy, [y?] we are unworthy to receive, yet for [y?] sake of Christ earnestly craving all [y?] good we want. Hungering to be filled with good things of Gods house. And to make us hunger after these spiritual good things consider r[Mot?]. 1. The felicity & blessedness of those who are filled with these good things. [Pj?]. 65. 4. Such may [west?] quietly & rejoice in their portion. [Ps?]. 116. 7. Happy is [y?] condition of such Man & women. [Deut. 33. 29. Joh. 6. 51.
2. The felicity & misery of such as are not filled with these good things. They are in a [swimming?], starving, languishing, perishing condition. Joh. 6. 53. 44 feed upon [fuyks?], upon [y?] which will assuredly [surfet?] & destroy them, if [yy?] go on.
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[Dis?]. 1. Carefully remove those things which clog our 15. spritual appetite & take it away. All sins, lusts corruptions whatever. If we have taken any [furfet?] upon the world, or this or [y?] lust or vanity, we must studiously get our selves to remove it. We must vomit & cast up all [y?] [trash?] which while it lyes in our souls makes our stomachs to loath or not to which heavenly [marma?]. There are tens or none of our souls but need cleansing & purging [y?] we may recover akindly appetite to spriritual food. And if there be any at present clear, let them take [head?] of [surfeiting?] themselves. Luk. 21. 34. Those who have must labour to vomit up their sins by [true?] repentance (& for physich see if [y?] wont work, Luk. 13. 3, 5. it may be more genuinely is mixed with that Act. 3. 19.) but beware of returning with [y?] dog to their vomit. 2. [Bemoan?] our selves [y?] we have so little hunger & appetite after these good things. That we are so lit[ere?] sensible of our want of them, [y?] we crave [y?] so little. This many of us have reason to [do?]. 3. Before firmly [y?] [truth?] of this [y?] God fills the hungry Be persuaded of it. Want of full [assent?] to [y?] truth is the cause many times why we get so little good by these & those truths. 4. Look to Jesus Christ through whom all good comes to hungry souls. Look to him for appetite & food. He for our sakes became poor [y?] we through his poverty might be rich. 2. Corinth. 8. 9. Consider what it him that these good things might be bestowed upon poor sinners, he gave his life to purchase them. {Sequ. 6. 8. 1678 2 [Doc?]. God in justice sends [y?] rich [y?] come before him away empty. He gives out graciously to [y?] needy, but [y?] full he sends them away as they come. He will not do for them [y?] have no need of him. 2. Who are meant by these Rich Ones? [An?]. For [Anfroer?] to this we must mind (1) That Per(1) sons are said to be rich either 1) with respect to temporal riches, this worlds goods, [y?] profit gain & advantage of this world, early treasure, time 2) respect to spritual riches, internall & spritual good things, heavenly good things. Such as are [stoned?] with the graces & gifts of [y?] Spirit: These [whatever?] can
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