(seq. 21)




Status: Needs Review

when I write home as she would be "kidded to death" by my oldest sister.

I think Mike lives in Madison, Wisconsin. He wasn't having good
work so he quit his job. He spoke of a job up there.

I've had two visits (this paragraph is out of place) Miss Binford and
Miss Hoffman were here a few weeks ago. They are good friends. We had a fine
visit. I thought Miss H. had a new spring outfit, but she said it was
five years old. I think I better "fold up." She must take good care of her clothes.
Before we were through visiting, I was notified that Mike was waiting
downstairs. They met outside for a few minutes. Miss B. has written
since, telling me about Mike and family.

Have you ever seen Mike, Doctor? He is huge and dark, standing 6-2 1/2
in his sox. He is slim but not thin, and unbelievably strong.

All of this happened and then came your letter, followed by your books, and
you will write again in a few days, so I have something pleasant to look
foreward to. Naturally, I feel good.

I don't remember making any corrections on your last letter. You
were lenient on me, so I won't make any corrections this time. (I can't
find even one mistake.) You see, I am not very generous. I have re-
formed, I won't say anything unless I think you make a mistake on purpose.

Mr. Mandino hasn't such a difficult task with 30,000 plants. We
will hve 80,000 when finished. I have transplanted for the past two weeks. While
the work isn't hard, I am tired by night too tired to study very much.

Your book will help me a great deal, as I am chiefly interested in culture
under glass. I would enjoy straightening your garden out. There are so many nice
flowers to choose from. Many gardens try to eliminate annuals, which I think is
a mistake. Gardens, like anything else, call for good judgement and common sense.

Your account of wayward [Bubba?] was interesting. I suppose he wants
more attention. Most dogs have no self-control anyway, so his foolishness is alright.

The best of good thoughts and wishes to you, Doctor. I will write again in
two weeks.

As ever, Russell McWilliams 5661-E

[left margin]
Your snap is slow in maturing but
I have hopes of getting something good for you.

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