(seq. 23)




Status: Needs Review

I haven't heard from any one of my friends for some time. Judge
Hally wrote me a nice letter Christmas and sent a three dollar check. I have not
answered yet. I don't want to neglect you, who are my most consistent
correspondent. I believe you understand that you are now the "Champion." [different writing] capital punishment
Of course, you were from the beginning, how well I know! The crown
was worn on the head of another which was alright under the circumstances.
No matter what comes in the future, you will always be my champ.
The world lost a great and good man in the passing of Mr. C. Warrow,
and I lost a wonderful friend

You certinaly are getting up in the world. I am very much pleased
to know that others are giving you credit for your years of hard work.

Here is something I want to ask you. It may seem foolish, but
I am curious. Are matrons, such as you must have employed
at your school, big husky women with large muscles, or is this
the result of a cheap novel I read? Is Ann Gladding still there? Did
you find a satisfactory deputy? Do you ride the horse often? I am asking
entirely too many questions at one time.

Your books were very well chosen. "Phrase Origins" is very interesting.
The "Doctor's Odyssy" is educational as well as interesting. I have
mentioned the other two as being highly satisfactory and so much more
thank I ever hoped to get. "The Gardener's Omnibus" is one of the very best, if
one book deals briefly on one thing, the other is sure to contain everything.
No letter came with them. I am sure the books are the best Easter
present anyone could get.

You must write as soon as possible and tell me all
about yourself. I am sorry Mrs. Thompson's daughter is not well,
the doctors have made so much progress in the past few years that she can
have much hope for recovery. Take good care of yourself, Doctor.

With my good wishes and thoughts, as always,
Russell McWilliams 5661-E

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