(seq. 2)




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The past forty days and nights [have?]
left a wound - This almost got me -
but - bit by bit I am coming to life.
Guess I can't take it. Any way I
am [?] and how ! Some day I
shall give you details - but perhaps
by then they shall not be as sharp in
my mind.

This lady had planned to go to
Maimi the latter part of Jan. Now she
is reluctant to go. Shall use a little
persuasion as I would like the trip.
The war has frightened many.

Brigadier McNorman was so kind
and thoguhtful - and it was a busy time
for her. I have sent her a note.

Old Dan - said "There is sadness in
being a man - but a proud thing too -
no one knows the meaning of that - only men -
[?] men" - You have shown me the
Jan 1 - 42. Lucille.

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