(seq. 1)




Status: Complete

2. July 1810
Phanog: 201-238
Crpytog: 1-80.

Stephen Elliot
Esq. [Esquire]
S. Carolina

Lancaster Jul. 2. 1810

Dear Sir,

Your letter dated May 15. 1810 arrived safe with the packet Jun. 20. for
which receive my best thanks. That you had but few well days this Spring
gives me trouble and I sincerely wish you may have good health since.
Excepting and old rheumatic complaint which hinders me from making
great excursions I am well.

In my packets I have allways mentioned when ever the plant is no native
by adding H for Hortus or C for Cicur , whenever you do not find a note to the
plant it is understood to be a native at least of our state, commonly of our
neighbourhood. I seldom find a foreign plant, as I think we will find work
enough with our own. The Fumaria you had with a scapens is not yet de-
scribed except it is the Spectabilis of Donn mentioned as growing in Canada with
a red flower, or the formosa of Loddiges. In Philadelphia it is known by
the name of rosea or carnea. I had it from Tenessee with a red and from NYork
State with a white flower. It certainly is different from cucullaria.

I have looked over your numbers more then once. This time I must remain
greatly in your debt. The Confervae are all strangers to me, as we have but
little water near. Excepting the gelatinosa I do not remember any one of yours
growing here. I have not specimens from other parts and though I have Dillen
and some other works I could hitherto come to no certainty. I will be very
much obliged to you for any observations you have made on their names.
A few of your plants were without flowers as 230, 235, 238 and I missed your
observations very much specially in plants not growing here. However I give you
my opinion on each number expecting your doubts and amendments in
a future letter.

[ Phaenogamous Plants
201 } both Carex scirpoidea Schkuhr
202 }
203. too imperfect — has it allways so few capsules?
204 Carex bullatae affinis et versicarae [vesicaria] sed distincta
205. Carex an curta Mich. virescenti affin.
206 Carex seems NS. villosa
207. Carex muhlenbergii Willd
208 Carex bromoides W.
209. Carex varia W
210 C. conoidea affin.
211. Carex too young, Habit of miliacea and strigosa
212 Carex straminea W
213. Carex scopariae affin. sed distincta
214. Carex — spica terminali semper androgyna
215. Carex verrucosa Schkuhr, flaccai affin.
216. Carex riparia
217. Scirpus mihi pendulus, if the older spikes become pendulous.
218. Avena palustris Mich. perhaps a variety of Aira pallens Schreber See N. 24.
219. Juncus, no caps. visible, near aristulatus Mich.
220. Rumex if different from N. 161. is it verticillatus, specimen too young
221. Rubus parvifolius Walter near briphyllos L.
222. Rubus uncertain near saxatilis
223. Crataegus parvifolia Wild. Xanthocarpos al.
224. Crataegus glandulosa Mich. nee Willd
225. Crataegus uncertain whether viridis or glandulosa W.
226. Crataegus apiifolia Mich.

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