


Status: Complete

The High Point Garden Club met Nov. 25th
with Mrs. R. B. Terry as hostess.

The usual order of business was changed
so that Mr. Paul Lindley who was with us at that
time could have the first part of the hour.

He spoke of the value that a Garden Club
may be to a town, and then gave us some very
helpful ideas about planting shrubery around
the home.

Roll call and reading of minutes then followed.
The program com. had completed the program
plans for the year. These were read and accepted
by the club. The printing com. Mrs. Jones and
Mrs. Kearns were authorized by the society to
use their own judgement as to number of booklets
to have printed, also the size, color, and price
of same.

It was suggested that the members phone the
Com. any suggestion they might have in
regard to club motto.

The club then adjourned to meet with Mrs. O. P.
Moffitt Dec. 9th 1924.

Mrs. Rufus King Pres.
Mrs. Clayton, Treas.

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