


Status: Complete

Mrs. O. P. Moffitt was hostess to the
Garden Club which met Dec. 9th.

The order of business was changed and
the program was first heard.

Miss Martha Blair gave a most helpful
talk on pruning shrubery. Mrs. Harmon
talked to us also, her subject being hardy
vines. Then Mrs. Bruce Craven talked to
us in a most charming manner on
Landscaping Home Lots. Her talk was
most helpful.

After roll call the minutes were
read and approved. The Com. in charge of
having programs for year printed gave prices
and brought to the meeting samples of covering
for same. For the motto of club it was moved
that we use the poem "A Garden is a Lovesome Thing" quoted by Mrs. Craven, and
also the one quoted by Mrs. Cox. If other members
had suggestions they could phone Mrs. Jones. [?]

The club membership being only 29, it was moved
and carried that Mrs. Levi Hayworth whose name
had been on waiting list be asked to become a member.
The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Chase
Idol Jan. 13th.

Mrs. King. Pres.
Ethel Clayton, Sec.

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