



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1885 Guild D. H. Hagerstown Wayne Indiana 1885 Indianapolis High School 8 Jasper County, Indiana American Greencastle University 1877 Pulaski County 30 50
1886 Ginger Eva Ridgeville Randolph Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Primary 15 Ridgeville American Ridgeville Primary 1871 Ridgeville 30 40
1886 Groves J. T. Monticello White Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Prin. of H. S. 5 White County Terre Haute Normal 1881 Monon
1886 Glunt Marie Union City Randolph Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Tr. Union City 6 Darke County American Greenville Common 1870 Darke County 40 40
1886 Glover Mary Bedford Lawrence Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Primary Teacher 8 Bedford Indiana and New York Bedford and Terre Haute Normal 1877 Bedford 35 45
1886 Glascock Will H. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 1886 Indianapolis County Supt. 9 Greenfield American Greenfield and Danville High and Normal 1877 Greenfield 30
1886 Goodin Emma B. Muncie Delaware Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Teacher Muncie Sch. 5 Medina, Ohio American Bluffton and Terre Haute H. S. and Normal 1880 Blackford County 40
1886 Gamble Mattie Orange Fayette Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Teaching 2 Indiana American Indiana 1884 Fayette County 35 45
1886 Gard Minnie Frankfort Clinton Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Teacher City Schools 4 Middlefork Scotch Terre Haute Normal 1882 Hillisberg 40 45
1886 Griffith E. E. Frankfort Clinton Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Supt. Schools 2 Vevay Indiana Bloomington Univ. 1885 Indianapolis 70 1000
1887 Grayham A. H. Columbus Bartholomew Indiana 1868 Indianapolis Gram School 2 Columbus, Ohio New York and Virginia Monmouth, Illinois Illinois 15 150
1887 Goodwin Fremont Williamsport Warren Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Co. Supt. 8 West Lebanon American Purdue Univ 1878 West Lebanon 40 80
1887 George Alvin Valley Mills Marion Indiana 1887 Indianapolis None 0 Howard County Indiana Plainfield Academy
1887 Gregory Cassie Pennville Jay Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Primary Tr. in Camden 4 Hartford City American Camden High 1883 Montpelier 35 38
1887 Gingrich Emma Bentonville Fayette Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Country Teacher 3 Bentonville German Danville; Bentonville Normal and Grade School 1882 2 mi N of Bentonville 30 40
1887 Graham John E. Austin Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Teacher 3 Paris, Indiana American Danville Normal 1884 Scott County 35 45
1887 Gossett Thos A. Jamestown Hendricks Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Co. Supt. 23 Indiana North Carolina Danville Normal 1859 Hendricks County 25 80
1887 Griffin L. B. Waterloo De Kalb Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Supt. Schools Terre Haute State Normal 1872 Shelby County 65 85
1887 Gilchrist W. F. Greensburg Decatur Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Tr. District School 13 Mount Carmel Scotland Hanover College 1872 Greensburg 45 45
1888 George J. S. Westchester Jay Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Pub School 4 Jay County, Indiana American Portland Com. 1884 Jay County, Indiana 36 42
1888 Goss W. F. M. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Prof Prac. Mechanics 10 Barnstable, Massachusetts American Inst of Technology 1879 Purdue Univ.
1888 Golden M. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1888 Indianapolis
1888 Griest Anna Thorntown Boone Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Pub Sch Thorntown 7 Crawfordsville American Crawfordsville H. S. 1887 Montgomery County, Indiana 27 40
1888 Griest Rose M. Franklin Johnson Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Franklin Pub Sch 4 Crawfordsville American Crawfordsville H. S. 1884 Montgomery County, Indiana 25 45
1888 Griest Emma Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1888 Indianapolis
1888 Green Emma Edwards Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Prin 2 Knightstown American Knightstown H. S. 1883 Knightstown 40
1888 Greenwood W. J. Noblesville Hamilton Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Assist H. S. 2 Harrodsburg, Indiana American Crawfordsville College 18871 Noblesville 50 50
1888 Graves Alva Marion Grant Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Prin H. S. 19 Whitewater American Whitewater Academy 1869 Wayne County 69 90
1889 Gosney Lucy V Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1884 Indianapolis

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