


Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Gordon Jonathan W. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Gatis I. W. Logansport Cass Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Grosvenor Mrs. M. P. Covversville Fayette Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Gray L. A. Pendleton Madison Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Goldsberry G. S. Indianapolis Monroe Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Gelky Joseph Crawfordsville Maontgomery Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Gregory Mrs. Isabella Rising Sun Ohio Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Gleern John W. Oxford Butler County Ohio 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Giltner B. Danville Hendricks Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Gunder Henry North Manchester Wabash Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Superintendent Schools North Manchester 16 Darke County Ohio Virginia Privately 1858 Ohio 25 125
1876 Greenawalt Henry Terre Haute Vigo Indiana Richmond Grammar School 10 Centre Square, Pennsylvania American Millersville, Pennsylvania Normal 1866 Yardleyville, Pennsylvania 28 100
1876 Glick Sarah Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Fifth Year Grade 3 1/3 Terre Haute American Terre Haute High 1873 Terre Haute 35 50
1876 Grover Emma B. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1866 Lafayette Sixth Year Grade 12 Clarendon, Vermont American Iowa City, Iowa Normal 1861 Iowa City, Iowa 20 80
1876 Gardner Isabella Lotus Union Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Teacher Union County 8 Union County Tennessee & North Carolina Union County School District 1868 Union County 35 45
1876 Gilbert O. S. Tipton Tipton Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Principal Tipton High School 4 Muncie, Indiana New England Tipton & Waveland Academy 1873 Tipton, Indiana 50 60
1876 Getty John Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Common School 3 Dayton, Ohio American Logansport Academy 1874 Tippecanoe County Indiana 50 50
1876 Graham D. Rushville Rush Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Superintendent Schools Madison, Indiana 30 Reynoldsburgh, Ohio New York Hanover College 1846 Bellefountain, Ohio 12 160
1876 Grantham A. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Student 2 London, England English Greencastle University 1873 St. Joseph County 40 40
1876 Gilkey Dan H. Linden Montgomery Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Village School 7 Montgomery County United States Montgomery County District 1862 Montgomery County 25 50
1876 Greenawalt G. L. Bourbon Marshall Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal 4 Mahoning County Ohio Pennsylvania Adrian & Valparaiso College & Normal 1870 Allen County Indiana 30 80
1876 Gosney Lucy V. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Primary Teacher Indianapolis School 10 Campbell County Kentucky Kentucky Terre Haute Normal 1864 Putnam County Indiana 33 60
1876 Graham J. W. Franklin Johnson Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Country Teacher 3 Johnson County Indiana American Indiana District 1872 Johnson County 45 50
1876 Garrigus Milton Kokomo Howard Indiana 1876 Indianapolis County Superintendent 17 Wayne County Indiana New Jersey & Virginia Indiana Common 1854 Howard County 10
1876 Grimes Sarah Coatesville Hendricks Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Student Coatesville, Indiana North Carolina Coatesville Common
1876 Grimes Samuel B. Coatesville Hendricks Indiana 1875 Indianapolis 2 1/2 Coatesville, Indiana North Carolina Coatesville Common 1873 Putnam County Indiana 40 50
1876 Gable S. M. Brownsburg Hendricks Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Brownsburg School 11 York County Pennsylvania American Pennsylvania State Normal 1865 York, Pennsylvania 35 100
1876 Gamble John B. Noblesville Hamilton Indiana 1863 Indianapolis Noblesville Graded School 23 Natchez, Mississippi American Hillsboro, Ohio Academy 1853 Hillsboro, Ohio 30 50
1876 Gamble Josiah S. Orange Fayette Indiana 1856 Indianapolis County Superintendent 20 Near Oxford, Ohio Ireland Fayetteville Academy 1856 Near Fayetteville 20 80
1876 Gault F. H. Greensburg Decatur Indiana 1874 Indianapolis District School 4 Dearborn County Indiana New Jersey Moore's Hill College
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Goodwin A. C. Charlestown Clark Indiana 1870 (?) Examiner of Clark County & Principal Jef. Male. High School 7 Utica, Indiana Indiana & Kentucky Kentucky University 1865 Jeffersonville 50 100
1876 Gordon Alice P. Southport Marion Indiana High School Department Southport, Indiana 10 Harrison, Indiana Pennsylvania Yellow Springs, Ohio College 1862 Preble County Ohio 25 70
1877 Geeting D. M. Washington Daviess Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teachers 10 Dent, Ohio German & American Dent & Cheviot, Ohio Common 1867 Daviess County Indiana 37 55
1877 Grove Suie Circleville Clinton Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Circleville 10 Fayette County Ohio Virginia & Ohio Fayette County Ohio 1865 Clinton County Indiana 36 50
1877 Grove Agnes Michigantown Clinton Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Michigantown 5 Fayette County Ohio Virginia & Ohio Clinton County Indiana 1872 Clinton County Indiana 45 45
1877 Gellespie Mary Indianapolis Marion Indiana 5 Ohio Ohio Xenia, Ohio 1870 Ohio 50 47
1877 Good Macy Wabash Wabash Indiana 1877 Indianapolis County Superintendent 7 Wayne County Indiana Pennsylvania & Indiana Spiceland Academy 1865 Henry County Indiana 35 80
1877 Grimes G. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Teacher
1877 Geary Kate R. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 4 Reading, Pennsylvania American Richmond, Indiana College 1872 Lewisville, Indiana 35 45
1877 Gilleland T. R. Brownsburgh Hendricks Indiana 1871 Indianapolis Primary Department 9 Indianapolis Hendricks County Normal 1869 Belleville, Indiana 38 55
1877 Greeson W. A. Kokomo Howard Indiana
1877 Greeson J. O. Alto Howard Indiana
1877 Gantyskow C. F. A. Hartsville Bartholomew Indiana
1877 Gamble Robert J. Orange Fayette Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Guthrie Miss Eliza Madison Jefferson Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Githens William L. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Griffin John Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Gillett H. S. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1877 Garrett Maggie F. Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1856 Lafayette Teaching Waveland Collegiate Institute
1877 Griggs W. H. Zionsville Boone Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Greene Miss Ann Shelbyville Shelby Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Gage M. D.
1877 Grant G. H. Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Gage E. C. Owensville Gibson Indiana 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Gardner A. S. 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Goodwin A. D. Ladoga Montgomery Indiana 1859 Indianapolis Teaching Indiana American Bloomington & Indianapolis University
1877 Godden Reverend L. 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Godden Mrs. L. 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Goodwin Reverend T. A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana Preaching Greencastle University
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Grubbs G. W. Franklin Johnson Indiana
1877 Gilmer Isabella Peru Miami Indiana
1877 Glasgow E. B. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Grosvenor Harriet Wabash Wabash Indiana
1877 Green E. S. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Grafton Kate A.. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Grimes Jennie Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Gray Alice Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Gaines Maria Sugar Grove Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Gillmore Miss R. E. Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana
1877 Gorvin R. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Graff Clara A. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1865 Terre Haute Teaching Terre Haute American Terre Haute Terre Haute
1877 Gilmore Hattie Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Gobin Hillary A. Greencastle Putnam Indiana
1877 Graecer L. Cincinnati Hamilton Indiana 1865 Terre Haute Teacher Gymnastics
1877 Gobin H. A. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1865 Student Terre Haute American, Virginia Terre Haute, Greencastle High School, College 188? Greencastle 1400 per year
1877 Gamble J. L. Frankfort Clinton Indiana
1877 Gould Mattie Aurora Dearborn Indiana
1877 Grafton Mary E. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Goodwine M. Williamsport Warren Indiana
1877 Groff Sallie V. Paris Edgar Illinois
1877 Green Sarah H. Leesburgh Highland Ohio
1877 Goodman Naomai Yellow Springs Greene Ohio
1877 Gow A. M. Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana 1867 New Albany Superintendent Evansville Schools 25 Washington, Pennsylvania Scotch Irish Washington, Pennsylvania College Washington 300
1877 Goulding Miss Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana
1879 Goodwin Jennie H. Kendallville Noble Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Grammar School 18 New Jersey Scotch Cleveland High School 1856 Euclid, Ohio 10 53.55
1879 Glenn George P. Kendallville Noble Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Superintendent 6 Hillsborough, Ohio American & French Ann Arbor University 1861 Holt, Missouri 20 133 1/3
1879 Glenn Mrs. Mary L. Kendallville Noble Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Principal 7 Savannah, Missouri Kentucky Tabor, Iowa High School 1865 Clarinda, Iowa 30 33
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1879 Gilmore Lillian Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Tr. in Indianapolis Sc. Waverly, Iowa American Indianapolis H. S. and Training 1879 Indianapolis 40 40
1879 Goodale Susan A. Clear Creek Monroe Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Co. Sc. Teacher 15 Clermont, Ohio American Public Schools of Ohio & Indiana 1864 Monroe County, Indiana 25 35
1879 Griffitt Samuel S. Martinsville Morgan Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Teacher 10 Morgan County American (Tennessee) Morgantown Com. School 1856 Morgantown 20
1879 Gates John H. Memphis Clarke Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Teacher 4 Memphis, Indiana German and American Memphis District S 1876 Near Memphis 35 35
1880 Green Emma Indianapolis Marion Indiana Music Teacher 1 Illinois German Lafayette Public School 1879 Near Winchester
1880 Griggs Eva O. Litzon Hendricks Indiana 1880 Indianapolis
1880 Gilliland T. R. Brownsburg Hendricks Indiana 1880 Indianapolis
1880 Goodin W. T. Greenwood Johnson Indiana 1880 Indianapolis Prin. of High School 10 Oak Forrest, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Lebanon Normal 1879 Green County, Pennsylvania 25 65
1880 Gentry Ruth Cambridge City Wayne Indiana Indianapolis Cambridge County 4 mon Stilesville, Indiana Stilesville Stilesville & S. M. Normal 1880 Cambridge 40
1880 Grisham Otte Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1880 Indianapolis
1880 Harkness Josie O. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1881 Indianapolis Elletsville 5 Bloomington South Carolina
1881 Guthrie William Monticello White Indiana 1881 Indianapolis Supt White County 12 Hamilton Ohio Pennsylvania White County 1869 White County 35
1881 Graves R. S. Aurora Dearborn Indiana 1881 Indianapolis Supt. Auorora S 3 or 5 Ohio American Bethany, West Virgina College 1867 Ohio 32 125
1881 Gamble Josiah S. Connersville Fayette Indiana 1881 Indianapolis Teacher 20 Oxford Ohio Ireland Lebanon, Ohio Country S 1866 Rush County, Indiana 30 60
1881 Gillaspee Jamestown Boone Indiana 1881 Indianapolis Teacher Common School 1 Indiana American Ladoga Normal 1881 Lizton 35
1882 Grant W. W. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Principal Indianapolis High SChool Henderson, New York American Harvard College 1869 New York
1882 Gregory Henry Leavenworth Crawford Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Louisville Kentucky North Carolina & Virginia Indiana State University College 1871 Washington County, Indiana 35 80
1883 Gardner J. Harvey Camden Carroll Indiana 1883 Indianapolis District Camden Indiana American Indiana Carroll County District 1881 Cass County 35 45
1883 Garast Kate Muncie Delaware Indiana 1883 Indianapolis District Muncie Indiana American 1880
1883 Gillum Robert G. Huntington Huntington Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Principal High School 7 Greenville, Virginia American, Virginia Bloomington College 1875 Virginia 25 65
1883 Goodykoontz Jasper Shielville Hamilton Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Buena Vista, Indiana American, Virginia [Illegible]; Terre Haute College Norm 1875 Tipton County
1883 Gray W. R. College Corner Union Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Preble County, Ohio Norm Sept 12, 1882 Montgomery County, Indiana 35
1883 Gray Morgan Geetingsville Clinton Indiana 1883 Indianapolis
1885 Green R. L. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Professor Mathematics Rush County, Indiana American Bloomington State University 1885
1885 Gregg J. C. Brazil Clay Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Superintendent Brazil Schools Greene County, Ohio American Oxford Ohio and Monmouth, Illinois College 1865 Ohio 33.3
1885 Gentry Mrs. Etta K. Michigan City; Spencer LaPorte; Owen Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Fourth Grade 8 Iowa Scotch Worthington, Indiana Graded 1873 Owen County 39 40
1885 Guest Emma Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Graded School 6 Crawfordsville American Terre Haute State Normal 1873 Montgomery County 40
1885 Gerwig Lizzie Noblesville Hamilton Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Graded School 3 Cicero German Noblesville H. S. 1882 Hamilton County 36 50
1885 Greerson S. O. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1885 Indianapolis District 4 Indiana German Alto Com. 1881 Howard County 31.56 50
Last edit 8 months ago by indjulia
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1885 Guild D. H. Hagerstown Wayne Indiana 1885 Indianapolis High School 8 Jasper County, Indiana American Greencastle University 1877 Pulaski County 30 50
1886 Ginger Eva Ridgeville Randolph Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Primary 15 Ridgeville American Ridgeville Primary 1871 Ridgeville 30 40
1886 Groves J. T. Monticello White Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Prin. of H. S. 5 White County Terre Haute Normal 1881 Monon
1886 Glunt Marie Union City Randolph Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Tr. Union City 6 Darke County American Greenville Common 1870 Darke County 40 40
1886 Glover Mary Bedford Lawrence Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Primary Teacher 8 Bedford Indiana and New York Bedford and Terre Haute Normal 1877 Bedford 35 45
1886 Glascock Will H. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 1886 Indianapolis County Supt. 9 Greenfield American Greenfield and Danville High and Normal 1877 Greenfield 30
1886 Goodin Emma B. Muncie Delaware Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Teacher Muncie Sch. 5 Medina, Ohio American Bluffton and Terre Haute H. S. and Normal 1880 Blackford County 40
1886 Gamble Mattie Orange Fayette Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Teaching 2 Indiana American Indiana 1884 Fayette County 35 45
1886 Gard Minnie Frankfort Clinton Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Teacher City Schools 4 Middlefork Scotch Terre Haute Normal 1882 Hillisberg 40 45
1886 Griffith E. E. Frankfort Clinton Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Supt. Schools 2 Vevay Indiana Bloomington Univ. 1885 Indianapolis 70 1000
1887 Grayham A. H. Columbus Bartholomew Indiana 1868 Indianapolis Gram School 2 Columbus, Ohio New York and Virginia Monmouth, Illinois Illinois 15 150
1887 Goodwin Fremont Williamsport Warren Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Co. Supt. 8 West Lebanon American Purdue Univ 1878 West Lebanon 40 80
1887 George Alvin Valley Mills Marion Indiana 1887 Indianapolis None 0 Howard County Indiana Plainfield Academy
1887 Gregory Cassie Pennville Jay Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Primary Tr. in Camden 4 Hartford City American Camden High 1883 Montpelier 35 38
1887 Gingrich Emma Bentonville Fayette Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Country Teacher 3 Bentonville German Danville; Bentonville Normal and Grade School 1882 2 mi N of Bentonville 30 40
1887 Graham John E. Austin Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Teacher 3 Paris, Indiana American Danville Normal 1884 Scott County 35 45
1887 Gossett Thos A. Jamestown Hendricks Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Co. Supt. 23 Indiana North Carolina Danville Normal 1859 Hendricks County 25 80
1887 Griffin L. B. Waterloo De Kalb Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Supt. Schools Terre Haute State Normal 1872 Shelby County 65 85
1887 Gilchrist W. F. Greensburg Decatur Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Tr. District School 13 Mount Carmel Scotland Hanover College 1872 Greensburg 45 45
1888 George J. S. Westchester Jay Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Pub School 4 Jay County, Indiana American Portland Com. 1884 Jay County, Indiana 36 42
1888 Goss W. F. M. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Prof Prac. Mechanics 10 Barnstable, Massachusetts American Inst of Technology 1879 Purdue Univ.
1888 Golden M. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1888 Indianapolis
1888 Griest Anna Thorntown Boone Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Pub Sch Thorntown 7 Crawfordsville American Crawfordsville H. S. 1887 Montgomery County, Indiana 27 40
1888 Griest Rose M. Franklin Johnson Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Franklin Pub Sch 4 Crawfordsville American Crawfordsville H. S. 1884 Montgomery County, Indiana 25 45
1888 Griest Emma Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1888 Indianapolis
1888 Green Emma Edwards Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Prin 2 Knightstown American Knightstown H. S. 1883 Knightstown 40
1888 Greenwood W. J. Noblesville Hamilton Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Assist H. S. 2 Harrodsburg, Indiana American Crawfordsville College 18871 Noblesville 50 50
1888 Graves Alva Marion Grant Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Prin H. S. 19 Whitewater American Whitewater Academy 1869 Wayne County 69 90
1889 Gosney Lucy V Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1884 Indianapolis
Last edit 8 months ago by indjulia
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 8 in total