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2 revisions
kheilajones at Oct 27, 2018 04:49 PM


IV 4

I hope I shall not be thought to wander if I note one observation by the way, before formally settling down to the questions. Were there nothing in reasoning ore than the old traditional treatises [so?] forth, then a roguemights be as good a reasoner as a man of honor; althoug a coward could not, even wander such an idea of reasoning. But in indution a habit of provity is needed for success: a trickster is sure to play the confidence game upon himself. And in addition to probity, industry is essential. In the presumptive choice of hypotheses, still higher virtues are needed,- a true elevation of soul. At the very lowest, a man might prefer the truth to his own interest and well-being and not merely to his bread and butter, and to his own vanity, too, if he is to do much in science. This will appear in the logical discussion; and it is thoroughly [borne?] out by examining the characters of scientific men and of great [heretic?]