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up, so didn't retire till 10:30 - late for the [?].

July 24, 1922 - Monday

The G's & T's both here for opening exercises this a.
m. [a.m.], which lasted about 45 min; Dr. T. took a part
of the same portion of S. we had read yes. aft.
about "Philip findeth Nathaniel"; he is very dra-
matic [dramatic] – reminds me of Billy Sunday; but being
older, & never having been a ball player, he lacks
some of the exuberant energy – tho' he has
plenty of his own kind. Then I went, for the 3rd
time, to the p.o. & got the money order; rode on the
train going, 2 a. 1st class, with Ma T.T. & a friend
who were going to Mingala zè (blessing bazaar),
but as I had to pay a 4a. fee, I had to walk back,
over a mile, in the heat of the day, as it was
11:30 when I reached here, & the break. bell just
ringing; I went up and washed face & hands
as the wind has risen again & clouds of dust
whirl every where; also rubbed off my tell tale
shoes which were thick with this white variety
to look at – of dust. Felt rested after eating. Miss P.
proposed to turn over the library work to me, so
showed me where she kept keys, charging books, etc; re-
mained [remained] down till after one, but no one came;
she also took me over & showed me the big
box of odds & ends on the back porch that needs
cleaning out; it contains pictures, dumb-bells,
flags, old calendars, & heaven only knows
what. Then the books in the library will have
to be arranged, catalogues, etc; a big job, so
I have plenty of work immediately ahead of

me. Went to the hospital to Miss O's tennis tea,
where over a dozen were gathered; took one cup of
tea; & later after each
game, a soda & ginger beer respectively. There were
two kinds of sandwiches, & 4 of cake, from the E. bakery, of which I
sampled 3, candy with peanuts in it which Miss
O. had made; & outside afterwards, mousse. Mrs. Shel-
by, who came out on the boat with me, & husband were a-
mong [among]the guests.

July 25, 1922 – Tuesday
No aft. Bible class these days, as they
have the study they would otherwise miss in the morn
at this time. A wire came from Mrs. Woodbury of Mytal-
ina [Mytalina [Mytilana]] asking to make appointment with the dentist for
Thurs. Had dinner at 5.30 with the G's, all the miss. – in-
cluding [including] Dr. McC. being present, and also young Mr. Saus-
man [Sausman], a dotty, from the press. Had roast lamb (?) & mint
sauce, 2 kinds of homemade candy, jelly, ginger &
other unusual delicacies; it was Mr. G's birthday; he's
been wanting an auto, so Mrs. H. had made one out of
cardboard & presented to him on this occasion. To
church later of course as we did last eve. also. I began
cutting pictures from the ad. sections of the W's W. to-
day [today], after permission from Mrs. E., of course, an-
other [another] big job ahead along this line. We rode up by
gharry, the 3 of us, but walked to the tent at the church,
and home later. None of the girls out last eve as there was
a misunderstanding & they only tho't they could go
on Tues. & Th.; a couple of the teachers were present.
The girls sang a song & later Mary sang a solo, which
she did very well; her father, a pucker Englishman,
was musical, Mrs. E. was telling me on the way home,
& when he died, a lot of organ music, male choruses,
etc., was sent to her; she kept some, gave some a-
way [away], & the white ants feasted on part. I threw away
my old tan shoes this p.m. & have begun on my only
remaining pair. Several came for books today

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