



Status: Needs Review

through a hair sieve winto the flour and
mix it up as for bread. Set it to the
fire to heave for half an hour when you
take it from the fire have in readiness 1/2 lb
of sugar sifted and warm and some car=
raway seeds mix & beat them altogether and
mould them up, set them a little before
the fire to heave then put them in an oven
not too hot and when they are at the height,
as they will heave no more take them out
and they will color as they cool.

Mother Eve's Pudding.
[in pencil] right
If you want a good pudding pray mind
what your taught.

Take two penny worth of eggs when
they're 12 for a groat
Take of the same fruit of which Eve was once cousin'd

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I love poem recipes. Here's one called "Mother Eve's Pudding"